
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.

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Here’s a little HBOT history for you….



By Dr. Patrick Massey for the Daily Herald


A number of years ago, it was believed that doing surgery in large pressure chambers (hyperbaric chambers) would improve outcomes. To that end, some medical centers began to do surgery in hyperbaric chambers.

Hyperbaric chambers were very expensive and the overall results were not positive enough to justify the expense of doing surgery in them. As a result, over the next 30 years, hyperbaric chambers were rarely used.

However, advances in technology have lowered the cost of hyperbaric chambers to the point where physicians and medical centers are using them again.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is done inside a hyperbaric chamber. The patient is exposed to 100 percent oxygen at pressures slightly higher than normal in order to supersaturate the tissues with oxygen. First developed in the early 1900s by Orville Cunningham, hyperbaric therapy was not really used until the 1940s to treat deep-sea divers with decompression sickness. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was used during heart and lung surgery. Later, it was found to be beneficial to treat carbon monoxide poisoning and other medical conditions.

Although hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been the subject of controversy because of the lack of well controlled medical studies, there are a number of medical conditions for which there is substantial evidence that it is effective. These include decompression sickness (scuba diving), moderate to severe carbon monoxide poisoning, prevention and treatment of osteoradionecrosis (radiation therapy-induced bone damage), radiation therapy-induced soft-tissue damage, skin graft healing, enhanced healing after plastic surgery and in the treatment of chronic skin ulcers.

There are a number of other medical conditions for which hyperbaric oxygen might be beneficial but good clinical trials are lacking. Among these are autism, stroke, dementia, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, diabetic skin ulcers and even chronic fatigue syndrome. How hyperbaric oxygen helps decompression sickness and carbon monoxide poisoning is clearly defined. However, for most chronic medical conditions, how it works is less clear. It is believed higher oxygenation of the blood and tissues stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and nerves. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy might also reduce swelling and help acute brain and spinal cord injuries. There is some evidence that it might also help lymphedema, swelling and impairment from damage to the lymph system.

The side effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy are often mild and reversible. The most common side effects are claustrophobia and a readily reversible change in vision clarity. The only absolute reason to avoid hyperbaric therapy is a collapsed lung.

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I’ve been debating with myself for about two years. Writing my first book was super emotional for me. It would literally take my breath away and I vowed I’d never do it again. Writing from the heart like that will always cause an outpouring of blood and it’s always your own. I’ve done some soul searching and I’ve decided to go at it again but from a different angle. This one will be fiction and contain less of my real life experiences. If you look answers will come. Regardless of what you believe religiously, we’re all spiritual beings and when we seek answers, we’ll find them. Stay tuned for the title reveal…..sometimes I even impress myself

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Beyond water

We all know that water should always be your drink of choice. But what if you’re in the mood for something a little different but want to stay on the healthy side? You should never overlook the benefits of green tea, which is a magical necessity in any weight loss plan. First and foremost, green tea contains caffeine, which stimulates the release of fat from the fat cells and enhances fat burning. Caffeine also boosts the consumption of oxygen and fat-burning. Green tea has been shown to increase fat burning by up to 35 percent. Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by the caffeine content alone. Whenever your body releases stored fat for energy production,it triggers a corresponding surge in the hormone norepinephrine. But norepinephrine’s fat-burning effect wanes quickly. It appears that epigallocatechin, a chemical in green tea, helps keep norepinephrine available in the bloodstream for an extended period, so fat burning lasts longer. Green tea boosts energy expenditure, as well as fat oxidation and can boost thermogenesis by 35 to 43 percent. So in layman terms, drink green tea before AND after working out. In addition, make a point of sipping green tea throughout the day, and especially in the afternoon when the tea’s cold temperature and active ingredients combine to boost fat burning when it would otherwise take a downturn.

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Start your day the Empower way!!

Getting up in the mornings has never been my strong suit. As a matter of fact, I hate mornings. I definitely don’t do my best work in the mornings, and I tend to fall asleep and spill my coffee right in my lap. Makes of a rude wake up call. I have found a few things to help my mornings to be a little more pleasant. Maybe these 5 steps can help your mornings, as well.

1. Start your day off with calm energy instead of tension. Don’t begin your
day with high levels of cortisol.
2. Do some type of muscle toning activity within an hour of awakening. This doesn’t have to be intense, just enough to get your muscles to an awake state to make ATP.
3. Expose yourself to bright life. Let your body know it’s going to be a great energetic day.
4. Have breakfast with some high quality protein.
5. Focus on self-regulation rather than self-control.

With these simples steps you can equip your body to burn fat all day long! For more information you can reach me via blog, Facebook, text message, or email. Have an attitude of gratitude and have a great day.

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Inevitable Change

Some people hate change. Others live for it. I reside somewhere in the middle of that. Sometimes I need change but fail to accept it. I fail to accept that what I had always been doing is no longer working. I refuse to accept that my “plan” is now failing. The problem with that mentality is at it’s core. Changes happen around us whether we like them or not. When changes outside ourselves occur, we have to be willing to make changes in ourselves that better serves us. I have to be willing to make changes that better serve me. Since beginning my journey of wellness, my lifestyle has changed. I’m putting all of my energy into teaching others what I have learned and my life schedule is no longer the same. After a few weeks, my body began to tell me that I was no longer balanced. I was physically exhausted. I had no appetite in the evenings. My face began to breakout. And I knew something was off. So I did with myself what I would do with a client, I sat down with myself and said, “self, what’s new with you?” I began listing the new things, all of which were good, but we’re affecting me in a negative way. My wellness program needed tweaking. I had to change the times of day when I was filling my tank, so to speak. My largest meal has always been after my 6:15 workout in the evening as I was famished by the end. With the new things on my plate, I can’t always work out at 6:15 and I exercise in the morning instead. So my fuel fill up needed to change on those days to a larger, more nutrient based lunch and smaller nutrient dense dinner. Just this simple reflection changed my life immensely. I now have the fuel I need to get through the day everyday. As you can see, things change….even for me as a Wellness Coach. I had to make changes. Maybe it’s time for you to sit down with a Wellness Coach to see what’s new in your life that needs to be addressed so that you are balanced and fueled properly. Maybe you need a simple change, or perhaps you need a over-haul…either way, working together, we can get it done.

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How did I get here?

At no point in your life will you ever feel more alone, more abandoned, or more orphaned that at the time when you lose your parents. In a matter of 18 months, I lost the people nearest and dearest to my heart. At this point in one’s life, it’s natural that you would step back and take a long hard look at your life, your passions, and your dreams for your future. It’s natural that at this time, you would look for something that fills that empty space where loved ones had resided all those years. Being a heart-centered person, I looked high and low for a career that would fulfill me. I worked in medicine for many years, and it did not take long to see that the system we call “healthcare” is broken. Because time with your physicians is fiercely limited, Enormous amounts of time is spent on illness and little to no time is spent on health and wellness. But if more time could be spent on wellness, there would be less time required to spend on sickness. It’s a cyclical pattern that needs to end. Several years ago, I been seeking out a career in which I could use my heart-centered gifts to advocate for patients In this “sick-care” system in which we all must live. But it wasn’t until the passing of my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and then my own mother that I became adamant about finding a career in which I could help people live longer, healthier lives. Sadly, a career like this was not going to be found in Western medicine. It wasn’t until a medication side-effect suddenly took the life of my mother that I became determined to be the change that world needed. I did hours and hours of internet research and found the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and realized that the career I had searched for for so long was that of a Health and Wellness Coach. Sick-care has over-burdened Western medicine and Health Coaches are the future of the HEALTHcare system. It is my heart-centered desire and passion to see people live long, happy, healthy lives with the people they love. No person should lose a loved one because of a sick-care system that can’t possibly treat the population of chronically ill people. Becoming a Wellness Coach is the greatest thing I could have ever done for me and my family; but my education has been bittersweet as I have learned things about wellness that may have prolonged the lives of those that I held nearest and dearest to my heart. But I am determined to see to it that nobody else loses a loved one to an untimely sudden death because of our sick-care system. You see “Medicine is not health care. Medicine is sick-care. Integrated nutrition is healthcare. Let’s get this straight.” Don’t let the people you love be a causality of the sick-care system. Fight for them. My loved ones are gone, but I WILL fight for yours.
Frankie Davis, Penny Davis, Norma Aklestad…. May you always rest in peace.

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Follow the money

So…I was scrolling through Facebook – literally wasting time – and I came across post after post that said “share this on your wall if your life has been touched by cancer.” Repost if you want to see a cure for cancer.” All I can even think about is “Do these people really NOT know?”. “Do they not know what causes the spread of cancerous cells?” Maybe they really don’t know. Maybe they don’t know how to stop the growth of abnormal cells, which we ALL have in our bodies. So, I’m going to give some educating advice. The cure for cancer is in our food supply!!! Do you have young children? If you do, the diet your feeding them now will determine their health as an adult. Cells are multiplying for growth and it’s at this time in life when you’re most vulnerable. If you were raised on a poor diet, it’s not too late!! You’ve just got to be diligent in your nutrition. The prevention and cure for cancer is in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Kale, mushrooms, spinach and others have been proven time and time again to slow, stop, and cure cancer! Enzymes in mushrooms attach to abnormal cells preventing them from secreting the hormone that causes the body to grow blood vessels to that cell. When there is no blood flow to the cell, it dies. End of story. Start eating REAL food and stay AWAY from places like McCancer, Cancer King, Taco Cancer, and Kentucky Fried Cancer. STOP giving yourself cancer!! No oncologist is going to tell you any of this. Why? The medical industry is fueled by money and greed…..and there’s BIG money to be made in cancer. A typical cancer patient is worth $780,000 to their doctor, hospital, and pharmaceutical company. Why would they want to end that stream of income. Follow the money….it will always tell you what you want to know.

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The BIG lie

I hate it when people lie to me. There are some lies that almost seem like a necessary evil, but others……unforgivable. When I seek advice, I go to the experts for information. Don’t you do the same? When I seek out these “experts,” I want to be certain that they have at least SOME knowledge of what it is that I need to know. If you have a busted water pipe, you call a plumber. If your car won’t start, you call a mechanic. If you have an issue with your health, you call your medical doctor, right? WRONG. For years the population of America has depended on our “licensed” physicians to take our health issues away. How well has that worked for us? We are the most unhealthy country on the planet. Even third-world countries have better HEALTHCARE than we do. Every day new drugs are being pushed on Americans in hopes of treating this illness or that disease when in fact, everything we’ve ever known about healthcare is a lie. There is so much misconceptions about what type of “doctor” or “specialist” you should see. Should you see an endocrinologist for diabetes? A gynecologist for polycystic ovary disease? A neurologist for migraines? You could, I guess but you’ll never get better. These “licensed” doctors are not healthcare providers. They are sick-care providers. You have a problem, you go to your sick-care provider, they give you a diagnosis and prescription to treat the symptom or by-product of your illness. These “doctors” really do not care about your illness. As a matter of fact, it’s better for them if you keep your illness so they can continue to receive payment from you and your insurance company. I worked in sick-care. I’ve witnessed it. If you want HEALTHCARE you need to see a HEALTH professional such as a wellness coach or Holistic Health practitioner. You should see your sick-care provider when you are actually SICK. Diabetes is not a sickness. Hypertension is not a sickness. PCOS is not a sickness. Heart-disease is not a sickness. Obesity is not a sickness. Somewhere in the past, these two professions have been skewed. There are most definitely times when you need to see your sick-care provider, and if you have a trained HEALTHCARE provider, he or she will tell you. It’s time to STOP pumping our hard earned money into this sick-care system. We’re feeding the monster and it’s just getting bigger and BIGGER!! The sick-care providers have forgotten who it is they work for…..the patient. When you leave your “licensed” sick-care doctor’s office, you STILL don’t know what’s wrong with you but they’ll happily take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. More people die every year from physician errors, medication side-effects, and hospital malpractice than ALL diseases combined!! I actually had a “licensed” sick-care professional ask me about my “malpractice insurance” and “state license”…..I’m a certified health coach. In HEALTHCARE those things are not required. Not ONCE have I EVER heard ANYONE say “My husband’s health coach told him to eat more kale and it killed him,” NOT ONCE. However, my mother took a prescription that was advertised on television to be such a miracle drug and she bled to death from the inside out right in front of me. Her sick-care provider was happy to write the prescription for her. For the rest of my life I will regret the fact that I did not find health coaching prior to my mom’s death. We believed the big lie. Doesn’t everyone? Yes, you need a sick-care provider for when you are acutely ill. But more importantly, you need a HEALTHCARE provider whose passion it is to get you to Wellness NOT to the pharmacy.

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Why yes, you can get there from here!!

Life can be hard. It’s hectic. Always fast-paced. Rarely is there any time to slow down and simple “be”. If you’re a single working mom, it’s impossible. I have the utmost respect for those women…the ones who really do it all. All people need time to simply “be” – even single moms. So how does a single working mother find the opportunity to just “be.” Some single moms have help from grandparents, biological fathers, and friends; but for others there is none. Here’s some information that can help. If your children are old enough delegate to them some duties that are age appropriate. Even smaller children can put dishes away or vacuum the carpets. It’s important that while you have delegated some duties to your children that, at the same time, you are working as well. Your children need to see their home running as a finely oiled machine. Delegate to each child a duty that must completed and explain to all of them what they are to do and let them know what YOU will be doing. Set a timer for 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the age of your children) and explain to them that by each of you working for the duration of time your efforts are multiplied and what would take mom all evening to do can be done in only 20 minutes. When the timer goes off you’re DONE. Spend at least 30 to 45 minutes focusing SOLELYon your children, perhaps a board game or card game you could even bake some cookies or brownies (the healthy option option of course :)). After you have worked AND played, explain to your children that you need some mommy time. Set a timer for the same amount of time that you set aside for cleaning and let your children know that this is your quiet time and all people need this time in their lives everyday to be the best they can be. Ask your children to play quietly in their rooms or together and explain that until the timer goes off, you get quiet mommy time unless someone is bleeding, something is broken, or somebody needs to go tithe hospital. It will probably take a few times of putting this into action for the children to accept it, but I promise it will happen. Just be consistent and do it the same way each time. Your children need to know that even mommies need a time out. Use your quiet time WISELY. It’s not set aside for cleaning or laundry it’s for YOU!! Use it to journal, meditate, or just simply “be”. You will be a better mom for it.

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You Charge a Fee?????

Somebody said to me, “you have so much healthy helpful information, and you genuinely care about people’s health, so why is there a fee to work with you? Why would you not just want to teach them health and wellness?” Well, the truth is I do. Health and wellness for everyone is my passion! So much so that I’ve paid an expensive tuition to go the World’s largest nutrition school to become educated in more than 100 dietary theories and the role that primary foods play in relation to secondary foods. What I have learned through trial and error is that the people who REALLY want to make changes, who REALLY want healthy relationships, and who will REALLY follow recommendations are those who are willing to INVEST in a program like this. I give tons of free advice and never think twice about doing so; but to work so closely with an individual on the basis of their needs and goals requires an enormous amount of time and dedication. As a professional, if I’m going to invest that much time, energy, and resources I have to know that the person I’m coaching is investing in themselves, as well. It’s a karmatic flow of money so to speak. Different individuals require different needs and services and I want to give each of my clients the program time they deserve and in doing that, I can’t commit to individuals who won’t commit to themselves. I’ve already seen this in my practice. I’m glad I learned it so quickly. If you are willing to commit to me, I PROMISE you that it will change your life.