
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.

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A Tip For Parents of Athletes

There has been much controversy lately about sports and injuries, particularly concussion, which can actually have long term affects that most parents aren’t aware of. But there is something that you – as parents of athletes – can do.
As concussions in sports become an increasingly prevalent issue, it is important for parents to know how they can help their child recover from concussions, regardless of its severity. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is one of the lowest-risk treatments available, and a good way to be proactive about helping a child suffering from post-concussion syndrome return to the classroom and playing field.
In a study by Dr. Paul Harch, one of the leading doctors in hyperbaric medicine, fifteen military personnel (all previously diagnosed with traumatic brain injury) were treated with forty hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Each patient made significant improvements in injury symptoms, physical exam results, cognitive measurements, and most importantly, quality of life ratings.
No physical injury can heal without oxygen, and the same applies for the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy allows a patient to breathe 100% oxygen (as opposed to air from the atmosphere, which is 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen) in a pressurized chamber, which creates a higher concentration of oxygen in the bloodstream, which can improve circulation to impaired brain areas.
An article from the Division of Neurosurgery at Linda Loma University Medical Center acknowledges that many brain injuries result in reduced blood supply to affected tissues, which can impair brain function. Increasing the concentration of oxygen in the bloodstream can help repair damaged tissue, and reduce swelling and inflammation.
Typically, the standard approach for treating sports concussions involves a great deal of waiting. Concussed individuals are told to get cognitive rest and not over-stimulate the brain by using the phone and computer. After a concussion, athletes frequently complain of headaches and insomnia, and often privately struggle with anxiety, depression, and poor academic performance due to impaired brain function. Standard treatments may also involve medication, which can produce undesirable side effects.
Thankfully, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is highly effective and has minimal side effects. By comparing the risks of treating versus not treating your child for a concussion, it becomes clear that being proactive is essential. While concussion symptoms may improve through simply resting, they could also worsen. As you think about your athlete’s post-concussion treatment, ask yourself: are you and your child willing to deal with persistent effects of head injury?
While the short term symptoms of concussions such as dizziness and headaches may not seem serious, long term problems such as dementia-like symptoms and advanced aging of brain tissue are not to be taken lightly. Brain injuries that go untreated have also been linked to learning disabilities, social and relationship issues, low self-esteem, depression, and alcoholism. What we see as headaches now could present themselves as problems that are serious and difficult to treat in the future.
Although no healthcare facility can promise a cure for concussion symptoms, hyperbarics can provide help to many people, from athletes with minor head injuries to soldiers involved in IED explosions. Our hope is that in the future, hyperbaric oxygen therapy will come to be seen as a low-risk, effective procedure that can help improve many symptoms of head trauma.
Stop in and see us at Empower Wellness Center to find out how we can help your athlete.


Optimize Your environment

All of us have moments when we feel sad or anxious about our life. Feeling down in the dumps from time to time is normal, but that doesn’t make it a good experience. Unhappiness, in excess, can also impair a person’s ability to cope with life’s challenges and to be productive. Learning to be more optimistic is the cure for sadness and worry. An optimistic attitude makes it much easier to overcome difficulties and to live well. Here are some ways to have a more optimistic attitude to life.


1. Take responsibility.

Some people try to blame others for anything that goes wrong in their life. Recognizing that you and only you are in charge of your life will give you a healthier outlook on the world. If things go badly, don’t look around to see who you can blame. Look at yourself first. Discovering what you did wrong will give you knowledge of how to do better in the future. Knowing that you are master of your own fate will allow you to put your mistake behind you and proceed forward optimistically.

2. Reflect.

Taking some time, even just a few minutes, to step back and consider all you have to be thankful for can really change your attitude to life. Instead of only seeing the bad side of things, you’ll be reminded of all you have to be glad for. Think about things like your family, your friends, your health, and your career. Is every aspect of your life a reason for joy? No, of course not. But you probably have more to be optimistic about than you had thought.

3. Make plans.

Optimism is all about looking towards the future. If you have nothing to look forward to, being optimistic will be impossible. Solve the problem by setting goals for your life. Want to start your own business? Want to get in shape? Whatever your dream, make a plan with a concrete goal for your future. With a vision of what’s to come in mind, you’ll feel as if your life has direction and meaning.

4. Take pride.

A big part of feeling optimistic is knowing that you are capable and competent. Negative people will credit even their own success to luck or the efforts of others. Look back at your life and everything you’ve accomplished. Examine each event and you’ll see how your success was due to your own skills, habits, character, and perseverance. It’s not a coincidence that you achieved these things, so why not look to the future with hope? More success can be expected.

5. Get help from others.

Inevitably, there will be times when you feel pessimistic and unhappy. In such situations you need good friends to help put you back on even keel. If you’ve lost perspective and are seeing the world in a completely negative light, a friend or family member can help you recover. Negativity can be like a poison that worsens with time. Stop the damage by venting your feelings to someone you know will help you see the good side of life again.

6. Take joy in simple things.

Pessimists see only the bad side of reality. Such people think that the things they don’t have are the most valuable things in the world. A healthier attitude is to get happiness from simple things, such as the beauty of nature, your health, or your closest family members. Money, material things, and status don’t really make us happy, so don’t waste your time wishing you had them. Taking joy in what is already yours is a better path to optimism and happiness.

7. Improve your surroundings.

The TV you watch, the books you read, and the people you spend time with all have an enormous effect on your mentality. Surround yourself with negativity and you will soon acquire a harmful mindset. Examine your life and cut out the most damaging influences, replacing them with more positive things. For example, stop watching that TV show that leaves you depressed and angry. Use the time to do something productive instead, or watch a more upbeat program.

Optimism is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Optimism is like an all-purpose tool that makes the task of living life well far easier to accomplish. Don’t let negativity and a pessimistic mindset ruin your life — begin a new life of optimism and happiness today.









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Many people spend years pondering the question “What is my life purpose?” For some it can be a lifelong journey to discover.

This is now such a common topic of discussion among people from all over the world and one can find thousands of pages of information online and in books with suggestions of growth and encouragement to help us on our path.

During this journey myself, at times I felt so isolated and discouraged as though I wasn’t getting clear fast enough and that others seemed to have it all figured out.

Instead what I discovered was that I wasn’t alone and each path can be so unique.

The 3 biggest misconceptions I discovered while sourcing out my own Life Purpose:

1)   My Life Purpose will hit me like a lightning strike.

I read so many books and articles, took quizzes, challenges, and mediated for months in hopes that a light bulb would turn on and bells would ring when my life purpose suddenly came to me. It didn’t. And it may never hit like a ton of bricks. In fact, most don’t have it occur that way.

Instead what many notice, is that a flicker of a small flame may light something inside and help move you to the next step. And with each step, that flame may get brighter and brighter, all leading you on the path to find your ultimate true purpose.

Pay attention to those flickering lights and notice when they start to fade. That may be a sign that a small change in direction is required.

2)   The more effort and focus I give it, the quicker it will reveal itself.

I found that the harder the tried, the less I observed. After all, what you resist persists, so I challenge you to allow yourself to go deeper into the stillness and silence and be patient and for it to surface on it’s own time.

If you can, stop thinking about it consciously and allow yourself to create an open awareness of what is happening around you.  It is through the waiting and allowing that I discovered the most significant parts of my life purpose.

3)   I only have one unique Life Purpose.

There could be many and it could be an evolution uncovered over the span of your life. A Life Purpose may not even be obvious or what we think it might be.

As we grow in different areas of our life, we may feel a stronger unique calling in one particular area but notice that it changes with our relationships and interests.  What a purpose is at five years old can be very different then what it is at fifty. However all aspects of it may ultimately lead to one point.

The most important part is to realize who or what is of more value to you at this point in your life and how those values can contribute to your current purpose.

Today and right now is the most important part of your journey, so choose to live your life ON purpose and to make the journey part of your purpose.

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In the movie Fletch, comedian Chevy Chase plays the role of Irwin “Fletch” Fletcher, a reporter working undercover to expose drug dealing on the beaches of Los Angeles. Over the course of his investigation, Fletch assumes a variety of creative characters as he identifies the corrupt businessmen and cops involved in the drug-dealing ring. In one scene, Fletch pretends to be an airplane mechanic and tries to lie his way into a hangar by saying he was there to check the ball bearings. “It’s all ball bearings nowadays,” is one of the most memorable quotes of this iconic ‘80s movie.

Repeatedly, I have been asked how exercise can help achieve a specific goal. I like fun, but honest way to answer these questions and channel your inner Fletch by replying, “It’s all hormones nowadays.” If you’ve worked with me for very long in any capacity, you’ ve heard me say this time and time again. The term “calories in versus calories out” is as archaic as the Myan ruins.

The endocrine system regulates the production of hormones, which are chemicals that control cellular functions. Hormones can affect a number of different cells; however, they only influence the ones with specific receptor sites. Hormones control a number of physiological reactions in the body including energy metabolism, reproductive processes, tissue growth, hydration levels, synthesis and degradation of muscle protein, and mood. Hormones are responsible for both building new muscle and helping to burn fat, so it is important to have an understanding of which ones are released in relation to exercise as well as understanding the physiological functions they influence.

There are three major classifications of hormones: steroid, peptide and amines (modified amino acid hormones). Each class of hormones has a unique chemical structure that determines how it interacts with specific receptors. Steroid hormones interact with receptors in the nucleus of a cell, peptide hormones are comprised of amino acids and work with specific receptors sites on the cell membrane, and amines contain nitrogen and influence the sympathetic nervous system.

Hormones can either be anabolic, which means they help build new tissue, or catabolic because they play a role in breaking tissue down. The term “anabolic steroids” is often mentioned as a method of cheating used by athletes who want to improve performance; however, anabolic steroids are actually natural chemicals produced by the body that are responsible for promoting tissue growth.

I’ve taken the time to compose a list of these hormones along with how they work and why they are important in reaching your fitness goals.


A peptide hormone produced by the pancreas, insulin regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism. When blood sugar is elevated, insulin is released to promote the storage and absorption of glycogen and glucose. Insulin helps reduce levels of glucose in the blood by promoting its absorption from the bloodstream to skeletal muscles or fat tissues. It is important to know that insulin can cause fat to be stored in adipose tissue (fat cells – specifically aroumd the belly) instead of being used to fuel muscle activity. When exercise starts, the sympathetic nervous system suppresses the release of insulin; consequently, it is important to avoid foods with high levels of sugar (including sports drinks) before exercise because it can elevate insulin levels and promote glycogen storage instead of allowing it to be used to fuel physical activity. Wait until the body has started sweating before using any sports drinks or energy gels. If you’ve worked with me for any length I’ve time, you’ve heard me say “NO ENERGY DRINKS!” Gatorade and Powerade, as well as any other drinks like Red Bull are STRICKLY off limits.


Released in response to low levels of blood sugar, glucagon is produced by the pancreas to stimulate the release of free fatty acids (FFAs) from adipose tissue and increase blood glucose levels, both of which are important for fueling exercise activity. As glycogen levels are depleted during exercise, glucagon releases additional glycogen stored in the liver.


Cortisol is a catabolic steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glandss in response to stress, low blood sugar and exercise. It supports energy metabolism during long periods of exercise by facilitating the breakdown of triglycerides and protein to create the glucose necessary to help fuel exercise. Cortisol is released when the body experiences too much physical stress or is not sufficiently recovered from a previous workout. While cortisol helps promote fat metabolism, exercising for too long can elevate levels of cortisol to catabolize muscle protein for fuel instead of conserving it to be used to repair damaged tissues.

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

These amine hormones play an important role in helping the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) produce energy and in regulating the body’s function during cardiorespiratory exercise. Classified as catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine are separate but related hormones. Epinephrine, often referred to as adrenaline because it is produced by the adrenal gland, elevates cardiac output, increases blood sugar (to help fuel exercise), promotes the breakdown of glycogen for energy and supports fat metabolism. Norepinephrine performs a number of the same functions as epinephrine, while also constricting blood vessels in parts of the body not involved in exercise.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the Leydig cells of the testes in males and the ovaries of females, with small amounts produced by the adrenal glands of both genders. Testosterone is responsible for muscle protein resynthesis and the repair of muscle proteins damaged by exercise, and plays a significant role in helping grow skeletal muscle. Testosterone works with specific receptor sights and is produced in response to exercise that damages muscle proteins.



Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an anabolic peptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates cellular growth. Like all hormones, HGH works with specific receptor sites and can produce a number of responses, including increasing muscle protein synthesis responsible for muscle growth, increasing bone mineralization, supporting immune system function and promoting lipolysis, or fat metabolism. The body produces HGH during the REM cycles of sleep (this is one reason I stand on my soap-box a preach about sleep; if you’re not getting enough sleep, you WILL NOT drop weight) and is stimulated by high-intensity exercise such as heavy strength training, explosive power training or cardiorespiratory exercise at or above the onset of blood lactate (OBLA, the second ventilatory threshold).

Insulin-like Growth Factor

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) has a similar molecular structure to insulin and is stimulated by the same mechanisms that produce HGH. IGF is a peptide hormone produced in the liver and supports the function of HGH to repair protein damaged during exercise, which makes it an important hormone for promoting muscle growth.

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotransmitter that helps stimulate the production of new cells in the brain. The production of BDNF is closely related to the production of HGH and IGF—the same exercises that elevate levels of those hormones also increase amounts of BDNF. High-intensity exercise can stimulate anabolic hormones for muscle growth while elevating levels of BDNF, which can help improve cognitive function; thi)s is one of the many reasons I promote High Intensity Interval Training.

Understanding how exercise influences the hormones that control physiological functions can assist you in developing effective exercise programs. Hormones have both short- and long-term responses to exercise. In the acute phase immediately post-exercise, testosterone (T), HGH and IGF are produced to repair damaged tissue. Over the long-term, there is an increase in the receptor sites and binding proteins, which allow T, HGH and IGF to be used more effectively for tissue repair and muscle growth. For those who want muscle growth, the levels of T, HGH and IGF are produced in response to the amount of mechanical stress created during resistance-training exercises. Moderate to heavy loads performed until momentary fatigue generate high levels of mechanical force, which creates more damage to muscle protein, which signals the production of T, HGH and IGF to repair protein, which results in muscle growth.

While there are a myriad of hormones responsible for an almost infinite number of physiological functions, the hormones listed above are directly influenced by physical activity and play important roles in helping the body adapt to the imposed physical demands of exercise. Seasoned health and fitness professionals such as myself,  understand that the nervous and muscular systems play important roles in determining the outcomes of an exercise program. However, the reality is that hormones influence many of the physiological adaptations to physical activity. That means that, “It’s all hormones nowadays,” is the appropriate response to many questions about how the human body responds to exercise.

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Exercise….I Bet You Didn’t Know

There are trainers in the business that have incorrect and basically archaic information regarding weight loss. We know so much more now than we did in the 80s and 90s. The world of fitness and nutrition is a lot like technology in that it’s ever changing. We are always learning new things about the way our bodies respond to exercise and our nutritional challenges, as well as the role hormones play in whether we gain weight or whether we lose weight.

The endocrine system regulates the production of hormones, which are chemicals that control cellular functions. Hormones can affect a number of different cells; however, they only influence the ones with specific receptor sites. Hormones control a number of physiological reactions in the body including energy metabolism, reproductive processes, tissue growth, hydration levels, synthesis and degradation of muscle protein, and mood. Hormones are responsible for both building new muscle and helping to burn fat, so it is important to have an understanding of which ones are released in relation to exercise as well as understanding the physiological functions they influence.

There are three major classifications of hormones: steroid, peptide and amines (modified amino acid hormones). Each class of hormones has a unique chemical structure that determines how it interacts with specific receptors. Steroid hormones interact with receptors in the nucleus of a cell, peptide hormones are comprised of amino acids and work with specific receptors sites on the cell membrane, and amines contain nitrogen and influence the sympathetic nervous system.

Hormones can either be anabolic, which means they help build new tissue, or catabolic because they play a role in breaking tissue down. The term “anabolic steroids” is often mentioned as a method of cheating used by athletes who want to improve performance; however, anabolic steroids are actually natural chemicals produced by the body that are responsible for promoting tissue growth.

Listed below are some important hormones involved in exercise along with the physiological functions they control.


A peptide hormone produced by the pancreas, insulin regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism. When blood sugar is elevated, insulin is released to promote the storage and absorption of glycogen and glucose. Insulin helps reduce levels of glucose in the blood by promoting its absorption from the bloodstream to skeletal muscles or fat tissues. It is important to know that insulin can cause fat to be stored in adipose tissue instead of being used to fuel muscle activity. When exercise starts, the sympathetic nervous system suppresses the release of insulin; consequently, it is important to avoid foods with high levels of sugar (including sports drinks) before exercise because it can elevate insulin levels and promote glycogen storage instead of allowing it to be used to fuel physical activity. Wait until the body has started sweating before using any sports drinks or energy gels.


Released in response to low levels of blood sugar, glucagon is produced by the pancreas to stimulate the release of free fatty acids (FFAs) from adipose tissue and increase blood glucose levels, both of which are important for fueling exercise activity. As glycogen levels are depleted during exercise, glucagon releases additional glycogen stored in the liver.


Cortisol is a catabolic steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress, low blood sugar and exercise. It supports energy metabolism during long periods of exercise by facilitating the breakdown of triglyceride and protein to create the glucose necessary to help fuel exercise. Cortisol is released when the body experiences too much physical stress or is not sufficiently recovered from a previous workout. While cortisol helps promote fat metabolism, exercising for too long can elevate levels of cortisol to catabolize muscle protein for fuel instead of conserving it to be used to repair damaged tissues.

Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

These amine hormones play an important role in helping the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) produce energy and in regulating the body’s function during cardiorespiratory exercise. Classified as catecholamines, epinephrine and norepinephrine are separate but related hormones. Epinephrine, often referred to as adrenaline because it is produced by the adrenal gland, elevates cardiac output, increases blood sugar (to help fuel exercise), promotes the breakdown of glycogen for energy and supports fat metabolism. Norepinephrine performs a number of the same functions as epinephrine, while also constricting blood vessels in parts of the body not involved in exercise.


Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the Leydig cells of the testes in males and the ovaries of females, with small amounts produced by the adrenal glands of both genders. Testosterone is responsible for muscle protein resynthesis and the repair of muscle proteins damaged by exercise, and plays a significant role in helping grow skeletal muscle. Testosterone works with specific receptor sights and is produced in response to exercise that damages muscle proteins.

Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) is an anabolic peptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates cellular growth. Like all hormones, HGH works with specific receptor sites and can produce a number of responses, including increasing muscle protein synthesis responsible for muscle growth, increasing bone mineralization, supporting immune system function and promoting lipolysis, or fat metabolism. The body produces HGH during the REM cycles of sleep and is stimulated by high-intensity exercise such as heavy strength training, explosive power training or cardiorespiratory exercise at or above the onset of blood lactate (OBLA, the second ventilatory threshold).

Insulin-like Growth Factor

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) has a similar molecular structure to insulin and is stimulated by the same mechanisms that produce HGH. IGF is a peptide hormone produced in the liver and supports the function of HGH to repair protein damaged during exercise, which makes it an important hormone for promoting muscle growth.

Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a neurotransmitter that helps stimulate the production of new cells in the brain. The production of BDNF is closely related to the production of HGH and IGF—the same exercises that elevate levels of those hormones also increase amounts of BDNF. High-intensity exercise can stimulate anabolic hormones for muscle growth while elevating levels of BDNF, which can help improve cognitive function.

Understanding how exercise influences the hormones that control physiological functions can assist you in developing effective exercise programs specifically for you. Hormones have both short- and long-term responses to exercise. In the acute phase immediately post-exercise, testosterone (T), HGH and IGF are produced to repair damaged tissue. Over the long-term, there is an increase in the receptor sites and binding proteins, which allow T, HGH and IGF to be used more effectively for tissue repair and muscle growth. For those who want muscle growth, the levels of T, HGH and IGF are produced in response to the amount of mechanical stress created during resistance-training exercises. Moderate to heavy loads performed until momentary fatigue generate high levels of mechanical force, which creates more damage to muscle protein, which signals the production of T, HGH and IGF to repair protein, which results in muscle growth.

While there are a myriad of hormones responsible for an almost infinite number of physiological functions, the hormones listed above are directly influenced by physical activity and play important roles in helping the body adapt to the imposed physical demands of exercise. Many fitness professionals like myself understand that the nervous and muscular systems play important roles in determining the outcomes of an exercise program. However, the reality is that hormones influence many of the physiological adaptations to physical activity. That means that, “It’s all hormones nowadays,” is the appropriate response to many questions about how the human body responds to

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Why Is Protein Important & Are You Getting Enough

Today, I want to talk about the importance of protein. How protein benefits your overall health in physical performance is crucial to understand. So whether you’re a weekend warrior, you’re trying to lose weight or you are an athlete, protein is important for everybody — and just about everyone is deficient in quality protein in their diet

I’m going to go over how to get more protein in your diet, the benefits of eating more protein foods and how much you should consume. So starting off here, let’s talk about protein and what it does.

Why Protein Is So Important

Protein is the building block of yourself. It’s the building block of your muscles and also is present in the foods that are going to boost your metabolism and fat-burning potential. Nothing is more important than protein. It really is the fuel that motivates and really supports your body in building healthy tissues and cells.

What exactly are proteins? Proteins are considered long chains of amino acids, which are the important molecules we get from our diet. Amino acids can be found in many different types of foods, even vegetables, but the highest sources are those that come from animals – like meat, dairy, eggs and fish – plus to a lesser extent certain plant foods like beans and seeds.

Proteins are used every day to keep the body going. Because they’re used to develop, grow and maintain just about every part of our bodies — from our skin and hair to our digestive enzymes and immune system antibodies — they’re constantly being broken down and must be replaced.

Vital organs, muscles, tissues and even some hormones of the body are made from proteins. Additionally, proteins create hemoglobin and important antibodies. Proteins are involved in just about every body function from controlling blood sugar levels to healing wounds and fighting off bacteria.

Simply put, without proteins life would not exist.

The average person probably needs half his or her body weight in protein a day. So if you weigh 150 pounds, you need at least around 75 grams of protein a day if you’re trying to burn fat and build muscle the right way. And for many athletes, more than that is going to be essential as well.

Do You Have a Protein Deficiency?

Mayo Clinic researcher Jan van Deursen, Ph.D, set out to study the cause of cancer, but soon his research took him in a different direction — what impacts aging? His research revealed that certain proteins play an important, even critical, role in aging.

In his investigation, van Deursen and his team created genetically modified mice that had a protein deficiency in one specific type of protein, BubR1. They discovered that the mice deficient in this vital protein aged four to five times faster than the control group of normal mice.

This naturally occurring protein declines as we age and, in this study, were found to be at deficient levels in the mice’s muscles, heart, brain, spleen, testis and ovaries. The study theorizes that this holds true in the human body, too, with a protein deficiency leading to cataracts, heart problems, kyphosis or muscle atrophy — all somewhat common in the elderly. 

Eating too little protein can result in these symptoms as well:

  • A sluggish metabolism
  • Trouble losing weight
  • Trouble building muscle mass
  • Low energy levels and fatigue
  • Poor concentration and trouble learning
  • Moodiness and mood swings
  • Muscle, bone and joint pain
  • Blood sugar changes that can lead to diabetes
  • Slow wound healing
  • Low immunityThe best forms of protein you can be getting are going to be things like grass-fed beef, organic chicken and turkey, wild-caught salmon — also, grass-fed organic dairy products are great. And then, healthy quality protein powders like grass-fed whey protein is another great option.Some other high protein foods to help overcome a protein deficiency include:
  • And then for the plant-based sources of protein, flaxseeds and chia seeds are great; other nuts and seeds, and beans, are also quality sources of protein.
  • The Top Protein Foods
  • Free-range eggs
  • Lentils
  • Natto
  • Kefir or yogurt
  • Mushrooms Getting protein in your diet is greatly beneficial, and the biggest benefits of protein include fat burning, helping muscle recovery and helping heal cuts in the wound. And if you have any sort of injury, protein is essential. It’s also essential for:
  • Protein Health Benefits
  •  Fighting diabetes in balancing up blood sugar
  • Brain function
  • Any issue you have in terms of depression and brain issues
  • CholesterolAnd last but not least, it’s important for muscle recovery. So if you’re trying to recover from an injury and also want to improve your overall energy, getting more protein in your diet is essential.So get more protein in your diet. I’d even recommend keeping a food journal; write down what you’ve eaten the past three days, and then add up the grams of protein you’ve actually gotten in your system.
  • You also can go to the website nutritiondata.com and actually look up the amount of protein in the amount of food you’ve consumed, or else do it for the next three days and see how much protein you’re actually getting in your diet.
  • When buying protein, make sure it’s from organic, natural sources. One of the issues we run into today is all of our conventional restaurants, our conventional grocery stores, they’re not selling grass-fed organic protein. And if you’re eating conventional protein, it’s loaded with hormones, antibiotics, steroids and other chemicals that will actually destroy your health.
  • There is study after study showing that protein is essential for your body.

If you’re looking to up your protein intake, I will be posting a list of 50 snack options that are packed with protein on the Empower Wellness closed group page. If you’re in a program with me or any of our team at Empower Wellness, you should have access to this page; if you do not, simply send a request to join and I will get you added.

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Be Different if You’re Going to Make a Difference

This is a great piece…..I’d love to take credit for it, but I cannot. I’m not certain as to who wrote it, but they are right on point…….

Growing up, its very challenging to even accept – let alone act upon – the dormant thing inside of you that you know makes you special, different. School is all about fitting in, finding the box that best suits you and conforming to its predispositions.

I was an extremely inquisitive child, philosophical, I liked wearing my heart on my sleeve and I made my thoughts and feelings available to anyone who was interested.  Problem was, nobody was really interested.  And me being me was a rather uncomfortable fit for my well-meaning family.  They were what you might term stiff-upper lipped Brits.  I was raised in a do-honoring family, where you didn’t question religion, nor the status quo or institutions; you just got on with it, like a good girl.

Lindsey Ramage

As the state of my inner wellbeing was not apparently significant to those around me it became dis-eased. Once I approached my teen years I plummeted head first into a heady and dangerous rebellion.  Drugs, underage drinking, reckless sex. Numbing my consciousness about being different seemed to work, for a while at least.

Mine is not an unusual story; in a society where success is about what you’ve done, not about who you really are and what inner happiness you might have generated its easy to see why you might want to step away from your inner calling and adopt the attitude ‘If I can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.’

But thank goodness we have pioneers in all representations of human endeavor who have championed a new, better way, despite the consequences. Too many were ridiculed in their time, even tortured and killed. Yet they held true to themselves, and loyal to what their hearts told them they had come to gift the world with.

The Wright Brothers were seen as crazy in the early twentieth century. Despite having no formal engineering training they made the first airplane flight. And they succeeded in showing the doubting world that yes, people could fly.

Princess Diana (incidentally but not coincidentally who’s name means Heavenly or Divine) ignored the tight collared restrictions, decorum and rigors of royal establishment in many areas; dress, parenting, relations with the media, attitude, what she did, said… her passion was to serve, not to be served. She was ostracized by the royals, but not by the people.

Ed Sheeran shot to fame because he too dared to be different with his fresh, colloquial, relatable lyrics and playful melodies. He shook the music industry by the scruff of the neck, rebelling against the generic, empty- sounding songs churned out by the world of commercial music.

“There’s never been a melody like you before and there will never be again.” Dr. Barbara De Angelis

As both Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Dr. Barbara De Angelis say, giving birth to your true self is messy and uncomfortable. If you’ve birthed a child, you’ll recognize the final stages of pregnancy; knowing its Time, knowing that you are ready to offer the world a precious new Being, desperately eager to meet the person inside of you that you have nurtured for so long.  Once you have re-birthed yourself – or awakened –  you are in for a glorious explosion of feelings. This is what life is all about! This is who I am.

These days I’ve swopped self abuse for self love. I’ve never felt happier, healthier nor more vibrant in my life. And I credit embracing who I am really am with this. Despite family and friends thinking me a bit strange, I am pursuing my innate need to study spirituality and to spread my thoughts and reflections about life to others.

I broke my mold and I can tell you this; it feels liberating. Have you considered that perhaps you were placed in an environment that was not conducive to your inner aspirations because your soul knew you needed some resistance to really ultimately make you push through these limitations?  Perhaps you were placed in an unsupportive sphere so it would show you, no, you cannot live your life this way and inspire you to reach deep down and reveal the real you.  Many members of my family and friendship circle don’t get or really know me, but that’s ok. They see what I do works for me and that’s enough for them. My happiness – although it looks different to their version – nonetheless inspires them to seek theirs.

“I think everybody’s weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.” Johnny Depp.

If you’re going to make a difference, doesn’t it seem logical that you will have to be different?  Follow your flair, pursue your passion.  Would you not regret it more if you didn’t?

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High Intensity Interval Training: Why We Do What We Do

I’m about to share with you the single best exercise for burning fat. But first, I want to explain the number one mistake people are making in the gym, today.

This mistake is leading to some pretty big consequences like:

  • Causing you to age faster
  • Breaking down your joints
  • Causing your body to STORE fat, instead of burn it
  • Causing your hormones to get out of balanceMost people who want to burn fat and lose weight falsely assume that going to the gym and doing traditional aerobic exercise, like jogging on the treadmill, is the best way to see results.If you’ve been spending hours on the treadmill and not seeing any results, it’s because long distance cardiovascular exercise can decrease testosterone and raise your stress hormone levels like cortisol. Increased levels of cortisol stimulate the appetite, increase fat storage, and slow down or inhibit exercise recovery.The Journal of Sports Sciences found that long periods of aerobic exercise increased oxidative stress leading to chronic inflammation.If you want to see results fast without the negative benefits of cardiovascular exercise, your best option is burst training.  Burst training (aka interval training) combines short, high intensity bursts of exercise, with slow, recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session.  Burst training is done at 85-100% maximum heart rate rather than 50-70% in moderate endurance activity.Essentially, burst training is exercising like a sprinter rather than a marathon runner.Burst (or interval) training isn’t necessarily new. Elite athletes and Olympians have known this secret to exercising and have been doing interval training for years. The research proves that anybody – not just elite athletes – can do interval training and achieve amazing results, no matter your experience or fitness level.The reason burst training works is because it produces a unique metabolic response in your body. Intermittent sprinting causes your body to not burn as much fat during exercise but after exercise your metabolism stays elevated and will continue to burn fat for the next 24-48 hours!Another study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, April 2007, researched eight different women in their early 20’s. They were told to cycle for 10 sets of four minutes of hard riding, followed by two minutes of rest.Key Benefits of Burst Training
  • After two weeks, the amount of fat burned increased by 36 percent, and their cardiovascular fitness improved by 13 percent.
  • Also, chemicals called catecholamines are produced which allow more fat to be burned and this causes increased fat oxidation which drives greater weight loss. The women from the study lost the most weight off their legs and buttocks.
  • Research from the University of New South Wales Medical Sciences found that burst (interval) cardio could burn more than 3 times more body fat than moderate cardio. The researchers studied two groups and found that the group who did eight seconds of sprinting on a bike, followed by 12 seconds of exercising lightly for 20 minutes, lost THREE TIMES as much fat as other women, who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes.
  • One of the major benefits of burst training is that it can be done in the comfort of your own home with no or minimal equipment.  An easy example of burst training would be going to a track and walking the curves and sprinting the straight aways.  Or getting on a spin bike and cycling hard for 20 seconds then going easy for 20 seconds, then repeating that cycle for between 10 to 40 minutes.
  • Similar exercise methods to burst training include High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and the Tabata method. With burst and other types of interval training you are getting the same cardiovascular benefits as endurance exercise but without the negative side effects.  Also, burst training is the fastest way to lose weight and burn fat fast.
  • So, What’s the #1 Exercise to Burn Fat Fast?
  • A recent study in Psychoneuroendocrinology showed evidence of long-term high cortisol levels in aerobic endurance athletes.  Researchers tested levels of hair cortisol in 304 endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, and triathletes) and compared to non-athletes.  The results showed higher cortisol levels with higher training volumes.
  • But recent research is proving that long distance cardiovascular exercise is NOT the fastest way to burn fat and lose weight.
  • The number one mistake is doing way too much cardio.
  • Can burn up to 3x more body-fat than moderate cardio
  • After two weeks of interval training, fat burning increased by 36%
  • Your body will continue to burn fat for the next 48 hours after you are done exercising
  • You can workout in less time and see better resultsBurst training is exactly what we do at Empower Wellness. We have our own YouTube channel where you can watch and participate in burst training right from your living room; plus you have a real life Personal Training to help you through every aspect of your training.
  • Complete Burst Training Program

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5 Small Things to Change your Life in 5 Minutes


Mark Wahlberg does not want to change his life. Jimmy Fallon is happy right where he is. And Beyoncé seems like she’s pretty good for now.

But the rest of us? Not so much. There are few among us who wouldn’t want to seriously tweak, if not downright re-imagine, the lives we lead. We’d do just about anything to have more career success, better health, a rockin’ bod, and a brain that’s firing on all cylinders. But taking the huge steps—the intense diet, the career overhaul, the hours in the gym, or just packing up and moving to Vanuatu to become a professional sun worshipper—are a little beyond our daily means.

Fortunately, there are things you can do starting today that cost almost nothing, take 5 minutes or less, and can begin making a dramatic impact on your overall life. Start each morning with these super-quick rituals, and start reaping the rewards.

  1. Mark Your Wakeup Time

Because It: Doubles Your Brain Power

Whether you wake up with an alarm or just naturally, jot down the exact time you woke up. Over the course of a week, average out your up-and-at-em times, then plot your bedtimes accordingly: You want to aim for exactly 7 hours each night. In a recent Spanish study, sleeping less than six hours or more than eight was associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment by 2.6 times in people over the age of 65.

  1. Pour One Cup of Coffee

Because It: Turbocharges Your Sexual Function

A new study from the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston found that men who consumed 85-170 milligrams of caffeine a day were 42 percent less likely to report ED than those who did not. A standard cup of Joe has about 95 mg. However, once you exceed two cups, the benefits start to decline; those who drank 171-303 mg daily had slightly less protection.

  1. Step Outside

Because It: Turns Off Your Fat Genes

Recent research published in the journal PLOS ONE found that getting direct sunlight exposure between the hours of 8 a.m. and noon reduced your risk of weight gain regardless of activity level, caloric intake, or even age. Researchers believe that the sunlight synchronizes your metabolism and undercuts your fat-storage genes.


  1. Take an A.M. Fitness Challenge

Because It: Burns Off Stored Fat

Even a short bout of exercise before your morning meal can burn calories far more efficiently than a typical lunch-hour workout. Because you’re exercising in a “fasted” state, your body burns through its energy stores and has to tap body fat to keep you moving. As a result, you set yourself up for increased fat burn throughout the day.

  1. Grab a Handful of Walnuts

Because It: Flattens Your Belly

Snack on them on your way out the door. Richer in omega-3s than salmon, loaded with more polyphenols than red wine, and packing a mighty dose of fiber and protein, these brain-shaped snacks are like Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. They’re the king of the nuts. A study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that people who eat tree nuts have decreased BMIs and waist sizes.

Bonus Tip: Double-Check Your Cereal

Because It: Prevents Energy Slumps

If your morning ritual involves a serving of healthy, hearty oatmeal, do a double take. A serving of Quaker Oats Old Fashioned Oatmeal has 4 grams of fiber, 5 grams of protein and just a single gram of sugar. But their Fruit & Cream flavored oatmeal packs half the fiber and 12 TIMES as much sugar, plus trans fats, which are used to create their “Flavored and Colored Fruit Pieces.” As a general rule, a truly healthy breakfast cereal should have less than 8 grams of sugar. Wheat Chex, Kellogg’s All Bran, Multigrain Cheerios and Kashi Autumn Wheat all make the grade. Better yet, have a smoothie with some berries, kale, chia seeds, and coconut water.

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Leaky Gut Syndrome: What You Should Know

Many of you have recently asked me about leaky gut syndrome…what is it? How did I get it? How do I treat it? So I did what I do and invested some time in a little research. It’s quite possible that this conditions affects more people than we realized. If this post relates to you, get with me and we’ll get started in healing you gut and getting you back to YOU.

Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that millions of people are struggling with and don’t even know it.  From the sound of it, you might think leaky gut syndrome only affects the digestive system but in reality it can lead to many other health conditions.

According to research, leaky gut could be the cause of your food allergies, low energy, joint pain, thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions and slow metabolism.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Think of the lining of your digestive tract like a net with extremely small holes in it that only allow specific substances to pass through.  Your gut lining works as a barrier keeping out bigger particles that can damage your system.

When someone has leaky gut (often referred to as increased intestinal permeability) the “net” in your digestive tract gets damaged, which causes even bigger holes to develop in your net, so things that normally can’t pass through, are now be able to.

Some of the things that can now pass through include proteins like gluten, bad bacteria and undigested foods particles. Toxic waste can also leak from the inside of your intestinal wall into your blood stream causing an immune reaction.1

Leaky Gut Symptoms and Progression

This leads to inflammation throughout your system and can cause symptoms, such as:

  • Bloating
  • Food sensitivities
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches
  • Skin issues like rosacea and acne
  • Digestive problems
  • Weight gain
  • Syndrome X

One of the biggest warning signs that you may have leaky gut can be that you’re experiencing multiple food sensitivities. Partially digested protein and fat can seep through your intestinal lining making their way into your bloodstream which will cause an allergic response.

This allergic response doesn’t mean you’ll break out in a rash all over your body, but it can lead to one of the symptoms I’ve mentioned above.  And, if left un-repaired can lead to more severe health issues like inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, arthritis, eczema,2 psoriasis,3 depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, muscle pain and chronic fatigue.

According to the Journal of Diabetes there is a strong body of evidence pointing to leaky gut as a major cause of autoimmune diseases including Type 1 Diabetes.

Another problem with leaky gut is that it can cause malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients including zinc, iron and vitamin B12.

What Causes Leaky Gut?

There are 4 main causes of leaky gut which include:

  • Poor diet
  • Chronic stress
  • Toxin overload
  • Bacterial imbalance.5

We’re about to cover some in-depth nutrition here.  Read carefully, and in a few sections I will outline the top 5 Foods and Supplements to heal your leaky gut…

The most common components of food that can damage your intestinal lining are the proteins found in un-sprouted grains, sugar, GMO’s, and conventional dairy.

The problem with unsprouted grains is they contain large amounts of nutrient blockers called phytates and lectins. Lectins are sugar-binding proteins that act as a natural defense system for plants that protect them from outside invaders like mold and parasites.

This is good news for plants but bad news for your body.

Your digestive lining is covered with sugar containing cells that help break down your food.  Lectins gravitate toward this area and when they attach to your digestive lining it damages your gut, causing inflammation.

Lectins and Foods that Cause Leaky Gut

Lectins are found in many foods, not just grains, and consumed in smaller amounts your body will do just fine with them. But foods that have large amounts of lectins like wheat, rice, spelt, and soy are more problematic.

Sprouting and fermenting grains reduces phytates and lectins, and makes these foods easier to digest.

GMO and hybridized foods tend to be the highest in lectins since they have been modified to fight off bugs.

Also, gluten containing grains will damage your intestinal lining causing leaky gut.  So while you are working to heal your system stay away from all grains especially ones that contain gluten like wheat.  Once your gut is healthy you can add back in grains that have been fermented and sprouted to eat occasionally.

Conventional cows milk is another food that can cause leaky gut. The component of dairy that will harm your gut is the protein A1 Casein.  Also, the pasteurization process will destroy vital enzymes making sugars like lactose very difficult to digest. For this reason, I only recommend buying dairy that is raw and from: A2 cows, goat’s, sheep, or buffalo.

Sugar is another substance that will wreak havoc on your digestive system.   Sugar will feed the growth of yeast, candida, and bad bacteria which will further damage your gut. Bad bacteria actually creates toxins called exotoxins that damage healthy cells and can eat a hole into your intestinal wall.

Other Factors that Cause Leaky Gut

Chronic stress weakens your immune system over time which cripples your ability to fight off foreign invaders like bad bacteria and viruses leading to inflammation and leaky gut.  To reduce stress I recommend getting more sleep, schedule fun into your week, rest one day a week, meditate, and hang out with positive uplifting people.

Toxins. We come into contact with over 80,000 chemicals and toxins every single year but the worst offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics, pesticides, tap water, aspirin, and NSAIDS.  Consider buying a high quality water filter to eliminate chlorine and fluoride and look to natural plant based herbs to reduce inflammation in your body.

Dysbiosis. Finally, one of the leading causes of leaky gut is a condition called dysbiosis, which means an imbalance between beneficial and harmful species of bacteria in your gut. For many, this imbalance can begin at birth because of a C-section or because the mother didn’t have a healthy gut herself. The overuse of prescription antibiotic drugs, tap water with chlorine and fluoride, and the lack of probiotic rich foods contribute to this imbalance of good and bad bacteria.

Leaky Gut and the Brain

Another topic I want to quickly discuss is how leaky gut can affect the brain.  If you’ve ever seen a child with autism experience a mood swing, this can be caused by intestinal permeability. Gluten and Casein-Free Diet’s have proven effective for many children with autism because these proteins can leak through the gut and then recirculate and act on the brain similarly to an opioid drug.

This is also why leaky gut has been linked to other psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. So, in many cases, if you can heal the gut you can heal the brain.

The 4-Step Plan to Heal Leaky Gut

The good news is there’s a solution to healing leaky gut. There is a four step process that includes:

  1. REMOVE foods and factors that damage the gut
  2. REPLACE with healing foods
  3. REPAIR with specific supplements
  4. REBALANCE with probiotics

Remember, the top foods to remove that cause leaky gut are sugar, grains, conventional meat, conventional dairy and GMO foods.  The top toxic exposures to eliminate are tap water, pesticides, NSAIDS, and antibiotics but remember to always consult with your physician if he has prescribed these for you.

The Leaky Gut Diet and 5 Healing Foods

#1 Bone Broth – broth contains collagen and the amino acids proline and glycine that can help heal your damaged cell walls. Many people successfullyu do a bone broth fast for 3 days to help rapidly repair leaky gut.

#2 Raw Cultured Dairy – contains both probiotics and SCFA’s that can help heal the gut.  Pastured kefir, yogurt, amasai, butter, and raw cheese are some of the best. If you’re having trouble finding raw dairy, get with me; I can help with this.

#3 Fermented Vegetables – contain organic acids that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the gut.  Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and Kvass are excellent sources.

#4 Coconut Products – all coconut products are especially good for your gut.  The MCFA’s in coconut are easier to digest than other fats so better for leaky gut.  Also, coconut kefir contains probiotics that support your digestive system.

#5 Sprouted seeds – chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds that have been sprouted are great sources of fiber that can help support the growth of beneficial bacteria. But if you have severe leaky gut, you may need to start out getting your fiber from steamed vegetables and fruit.

Also, consuming foods that have anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fats are beneficial such as grass-fed beef, lamb, and wild caught fish like salmon.

Top 5 Supplements for Healing Leaky Gut

There are many supplements that support your digestive health but I believe the most beneficial are: L-Glutamine, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, Aloe Vera Juice, Quercetin, NAG and Licorice Root.

#1 Probiotics are the most important supplement to take because it helps replenish good bacteria and crowds out bad bacteria.  I recommend getting probiotics in both food and supplement form. I see people all the time only follow part of the protocol in healing their gut by removing the damaging irritants. But the part they often leave out is re-inoculating their gut with beneficial bacteria that will keep bad bacteria at bay.

So load up on BOTH probiotic rich foods and take AT LEAST 50 billion units of probiotics daily from a high quality brand.

#2 Digestive enzymes (one or two capsules at the beginning of each meal) ensure that foods are fully digested, decreasing the chance that partially digested foods particles and proteins from damaging your gut wall.

#3 L-Glutamine is critical for any program designed to heal leaky gut.  Glutamine is an essential amino acid that is anti-inflammatory and necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal lining.  L-glutamine acts a protector and coats your cell walls, acting as a repellent to irritants. Take 2-5 grams 2x daily.6

#4 Licorice Root (DGL) is an adaptogenic herb that helps balance cortisol levels and improves acid production in the stomach. DGL supports the body’s natural processes for maintaining the mucosal lining of the stomach and duodenum. This herb is especially beneficial if someone’s leaky gut is being caused by emotional stress. Take 500mg 2x daily.

#5 Quercetin has also been shown to improve gut barrier function by sealing the gut because it supports creation of tight junction proteins.  It also stabilizes mast cells and reduces the release of histamine which is common in food intolerance.  New studies have also shown it’s effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis.  Take 500mg 3x daily with meals.

#6 Bitters are a compound that utilizes the above 5 supplements into one high potency liquid, which is quickly absorbed into the digestive tract.