
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.


Optimize Your environment

All of us have moments when we feel sad or anxious about our life. Feeling down in the dumps from time to time is normal, but that doesn’t make it a good experience. Unhappiness, in excess, can also impair a person’s ability to cope with life’s challenges and to be productive. Learning to be more optimistic is the cure for sadness and worry. An optimistic attitude makes it much easier to overcome difficulties and to live well. Here are some ways to have a more optimistic attitude to life.


1. Take responsibility.

Some people try to blame others for anything that goes wrong in their life. Recognizing that you and only you are in charge of your life will give you a healthier outlook on the world. If things go badly, don’t look around to see who you can blame. Look at yourself first. Discovering what you did wrong will give you knowledge of how to do better in the future. Knowing that you are master of your own fate will allow you to put your mistake behind you and proceed forward optimistically.

2. Reflect.

Taking some time, even just a few minutes, to step back and consider all you have to be thankful for can really change your attitude to life. Instead of only seeing the bad side of things, you’ll be reminded of all you have to be glad for. Think about things like your family, your friends, your health, and your career. Is every aspect of your life a reason for joy? No, of course not. But you probably have more to be optimistic about than you had thought.

3. Make plans.

Optimism is all about looking towards the future. If you have nothing to look forward to, being optimistic will be impossible. Solve the problem by setting goals for your life. Want to start your own business? Want to get in shape? Whatever your dream, make a plan with a concrete goal for your future. With a vision of what’s to come in mind, you’ll feel as if your life has direction and meaning.

4. Take pride.

A big part of feeling optimistic is knowing that you are capable and competent. Negative people will credit even their own success to luck or the efforts of others. Look back at your life and everything you’ve accomplished. Examine each event and you’ll see how your success was due to your own skills, habits, character, and perseverance. It’s not a coincidence that you achieved these things, so why not look to the future with hope? More success can be expected.

5. Get help from others.

Inevitably, there will be times when you feel pessimistic and unhappy. In such situations you need good friends to help put you back on even keel. If you’ve lost perspective and are seeing the world in a completely negative light, a friend or family member can help you recover. Negativity can be like a poison that worsens with time. Stop the damage by venting your feelings to someone you know will help you see the good side of life again.

6. Take joy in simple things.

Pessimists see only the bad side of reality. Such people think that the things they don’t have are the most valuable things in the world. A healthier attitude is to get happiness from simple things, such as the beauty of nature, your health, or your closest family members. Money, material things, and status don’t really make us happy, so don’t waste your time wishing you had them. Taking joy in what is already yours is a better path to optimism and happiness.

7. Improve your surroundings.

The TV you watch, the books you read, and the people you spend time with all have an enormous effect on your mentality. Surround yourself with negativity and you will soon acquire a harmful mindset. Examine your life and cut out the most damaging influences, replacing them with more positive things. For example, stop watching that TV show that leaves you depressed and angry. Use the time to do something productive instead, or watch a more upbeat program.

Optimism is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. Optimism is like an all-purpose tool that makes the task of living life well far easier to accomplish. Don’t let negativity and a pessimistic mindset ruin your life — begin a new life of optimism and happiness today.









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Stay POSITIVE in the face of negativity

Sometimes it can be hard to stay positive and happy. Negative people, things, and situations can make your life a living hell… but avoiding them is easier said than done.

Perhaps you can’t move to another place at the moment because you lack the funds. Or maybe for some reason, you can’t leave your negative family behind without feeling guilty or irresponsible.

In this case, you need to deal with the negativities head on instead of avoiding them. Here are 10 simple ways to do that…

1) Make A Conscious Effort To Find The Positive Side In Everything.

Oftentimes, you can’t control what happens to you; but you can certainly respond in the most positive way possible. Look for the good side in everything.

If someone criticized you harshly, thank her for her valuable insight and see if there’s any lesson you can learn.

If your friend arrived one hour later than your scheduled time or didn’t fulfill a promise, don’t lash out at him. See it as an opportunity to develop your character (patience) and a chance to find out who your real friends are.

If something upsets you, change your perception from having an “annoying” experience to a “fascinating” one.

Here’s a harsh reality – you might be attracting the negativity you’re experiencing now. So if you want to start manifesting favorable results, be positive from the inside out… in your thoughts, words, and actions.

2) Have A Gratitude List.

It’s almost impossible to feel depressed if you have so many things to be grateful for. No matter how bad things may turn out, you’re still in a much better position than many other people.

Can you see? Hear? Walk? Talk? Do you have people in your life who love you? Can you eat at least 3 times a day? Do you have a home? These are just some of the little blessings you could appreciate.

And there are lots of bigger blessings you could be grateful for!

Write them down in your journal or index card, then read them every chance you get. You’ll attract more blessings as a result, and you’ll feel much better too.

3) Find Time To Laugh.

Laughter is the best stress-reliever. Bar none. Everytime Laughter is a staple at our house., I feel so ecstatic and lighthearted.

So develop the habit of laughing everyday, even for just a few minutes.

Watch youtube videos of bloopers, gags, or an episode of Ridiculousness and turn on other things that make you laugh.

Record funny experiences if possible, so you can watch them over again.

Or you can simply remember funny situations, so you can laugh your heart out any time you want.

4) Don’t Give A Damn.

This doesn’t mean you’ll stop caring about the people and events in your life; it only suggests that you cease thinking or worrying about what others might think about you.

As Aristotle said: “There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” But what a way to waste your life!

So what if they get mad about your decision, or your idea might sound impractical to them, or they don’t like the way you express yourself?

As long as you’re doing it with a clean conscience, in an ethical and responsible manner, their perception of you being “wrong” or “stupid” doesn’t matter!

5) Say Something Positive For Every Negative Statement.

Here’s a simple way to drive negative people crazy…

Counter their negative words with your positive statements! Always have something good to say to offset their negativity.

If They Say: “Most people who tried this business have failed.”
You Say: “That’s great! I’ll be one of the few people who will succeed.”

If They Say: “No one would buy your product.”
You Say: “Interesting. I’ll see what I can change to make this marketable.”

If They Say: “Why can’t you learn what I’m teaching you?”
You Say: “The first time is always the hardest. But I’ll keep practicing until I get it right.”

If you can’t think of any positive reply, just say “thank you for your opinion” and carry on.

 If you keep doing this, your positive attitude might rub off on them or they might give up being negative around you. Either way, you win!

6) Listen to Motivational Speakers Any Chance You Get.

As negativities and challenges arise, our motivation wanes out and we begin to doubt if we could ever achieve our goals.

To continue staying positive and inspired, I go to youtube and watch your favorite motivational speakers every single day.  That will light a fire under your butt!

Listening to Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Earl Nightingale, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, and other speakers can bring dramatic changes to your life.

Listen to them any chance you get; but the best times are in the morning after you wake up (so you could start your day right) and in the evening before you go to sleep (so your subconscious could better “absorb” the principles you’ve learned).

7) Live A Healthy Life.

Negative people and things can stress you out of your wits and weaken your immune system, so live as healthy as you can to stay resilient in the face of pessimism.

Here are some suggestions:
– Eat organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Avoid processed and sugary foods.
– Get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep daily.
– Exercise at least 5 hours spread throughout the week.
– Practice breathing exercises.
– Spend quiet time meditating.

Follow simple healthy habits to gain a positive mental, emotional, and physical advantage as you overcome each negativity that comes your way.

8) Give To Charity.

The act of giving some money and/or time to charity can boost your happiness and spiritual health.

As you focus more on how you can give or be of service to others, the less attention you’ll be paying to the negative people and things around you.

And as you contribute to the betterment of the less fortunate, your perspective in life will change and you’ll realize how much luckier you are compared to others.

9) Express Your Inner Feelings.

We experience a great deal of relief when we’re able to let negative emotions off our chest and unload our emotional baggage.

Find someone you trust who you could talk to and who would be willing to listen. Someone who can feel and understand what you’re going through.

If you can’t find the right person, just write down your thoughts in a journal. It will serve as an outlet where you can write down anything you want and completely release all the pain, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions inside you.  It’s a must that you get those feelings out of your soul.

Doing these things, you’ll soon find yourself enjoying life… no matter what challenges may rise.