
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.

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Chlorella..the super supplement you may not know about

Chlorella is one of the most widely studied food supplements in the world. Aside from being the subject of medical research in the USA, USSR, Germany, Japan, France, England and Israel, chlorella has been extensively studied as a food source since it is made up of a whopping 50 percent protein and is considered a complete amino acid-based food.
Even NASA has studied using chlorella as the one of first whole foods in space on the international space station!
Studies in Japan have shown chlorella may help reduce body fat percentage and may be useful in fighting obesity and weight related diabetes. It may also help reduce both cholesterol and hypertension. Chlorella’s cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, also helps promote clean blood. And clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.
Chlorella is such a powerful detoxifier because it is rich in chlorophyll, which is known to:
Aid you in processing more oxygen
Cleanse key elimination systems like your bowel, liver, and blood
Help purify your blood and clean away toxins
Aid you in promoting optimal blood pressure
Support elimination of molds in your body
Help neutralize bad air you might breathe in
Promote growth and repair of your tissues
Chlorella is actually very useful even beyond detoxification, and its range of health benefits includes:
Boosting your immune system
Improving your digestion, especially if constipation is a problem
Providing B vitamins from an animal source
Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate
Increasing your energy levels
Balancing your body’s pH
Normalizing your blood sugar and blood pressure
Reducing your cancer risk
Freshening your breath
A three-year double-blind metal detoxification study with over 350 people participating was undertaken at a Russian metal foundry, where more than 20 natural compounds were used in trials to remove heavy metals from people who had been exposed at very high levels to four main metals — antimony, lead, cadmium and arsenic.
What were the results of testing chlorella as a heavy metal detoxification agent? The Russian trial using Broken Cell Wall chlorella combined with cilantro eliminated ALL heavy metals, including mercury! With no reported side-effects! In fact, the heavy metal binding power of chlorella was first discovered in the mining industry. Mixed with water, they pumped chlorella into mine shafts to collect the residual metals after bulk mining was completed.
Not All Chlorella is Created Equal

Unlike many food supplements, chlorella has one unique feature that makes the manufacturing process one of the primary concerns when considering a source of supplementation. Chlorella is completely indigestible by humans. We simply do not have the enzymes to break down its cell wall.
Unlike other green foods, chewing and digesting chlorella will not release the powerful health benefits contained within this green algae. This is because chlorella’s tough outer cell wall, which is also chemically responsible for binding with the toxins inside your body, cannot be broken down by your biology,
Therefore, it is imperative that the manufacturing process break down the tough outer cell wall for you, as this is the only way to make the chlorella biologically available to remove toxins from your body.
This is why I only recommend supplementing with Broken Cell Wall chlorella, because this is the only form that allows your body to use this powerful detoxification agent. Another concern when choosing your chlorella is to be sure that the source waters where it is grown and harvested are free of any contamination. Since chlorella is a natural green food, it will be affected by polluted water and will retain environmental toxins if it’s grown in contaminated waters. So be certain any chlorella you supplement with comes from a naturally clean water source.
One other aspect of chlorella you need to be aware of is some people tolerate it better than others.
You should always start any detox with chlorella gradually, taking just a small amount at first to see how your body tolerates this powerful detoxification tool. Some people also report benefits from beginning a detoxification by first eating small amounts of cilantro for a few days. Cilantro also promotes a detoxification response in your body, but at a less intense level — which may help your body ease into a smoother detoxification response from chlorella.
The best results of using broken cell wall chlorella for detoxification have also been documented as coming from mixing chlorella with the green plant cilantro, so this might be another consideration for you when undertaking your detoxification program. I recommend finding an organic source of cilantro, to insure you are not putting more unwanted chemicals into your body as you try to detoxify your body’s already existing heavy metal burden.
Learn more about me at http://www.empowerwellnessholistichealthcenter.com

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The antioxidant nobody talks about

Glutathione is considered to be the master antioxidant and detoxifier of the cell. Without glutathione, the antioxidant system breaks down, and toxic chemicals hang around to wreak havoc in our cells and tissues. Glutathione is so critical because it’s the cell’s first line of defense against the toxins that enter your body through the foods, liquids and gases you take in.

Among the different antioxidants found in the body, glutathione performs a very unique role. Its main function is to provide cell protection as well as boost other healthy compounds in the body. It is essential in the proper functioning of different systems of the body like:

Respiratory system
Gastrointestinal system
Nervous system
Immune system
Glutathionealso aids in proper metabolism of nutrients and absorbs harmful chemicals. Because it performs a very crucial role, the glutathione level of our body is equivalent to our level of health.

What Affects Glutathione Level

Because it is a naturally-produced substance, the body produces glutathione as needed. However, there are number of factors that affect the normal level of this important substance in our body.

Age – The most common reason for glutathione depletion is age. The older a person gets the lesser glutathione the body produces.
Diseases – Diseases also contribute to the ability of the body to produce or recycle glutathione.
Diet and Pollution – Diet and pollution are considered by many experts as the biggest culprits in glutathione reduction. It is a known fact that in order to be healthy, we need to eat healthy foods. Unfortunately our lifestyle today has given us easy access to any food that we like to eat, regardless of their health benefits. We have become so accustomed to fast food and junk foods that our body becomes a dumping ground of chemicals. The influx of harmful chemicals to the body prevents the natural production of glutathione, and eventually there are more toxic materials in our body than glutathione.
Environmental Factors- Aside from our diet, our environment also contributes to the depletion of the glutathione level in our body. Pollution is the biggest hazard that we encounter on a daily basis and the heavy metals that we breathe in daily eventually find their way into our organs and cause illnesses. The stress brought about by our lifestyle also contributes in our body’s inability to function properly.
The combination of aging, stressful lifestyle, pollution, and unhealthy diet is just too much for our body to create or recycle glutathione. Once the body is overwhelmed, it will eventually succumb to illness.

How to Boost the Body’s Glutathione Level

There are two ways of introducing glutathione to our body: artificial and natural. The artificial method involves taking glutathione supplement in a pill form. For a lot of people, their introduction to the benefits of glutathione revolves around marketing information about this kind of supplement. Although it is a very convenient way of supplying our body with this substance, it is not really as effective as we think it is. For one, our digestive system does not absorb glutathione very well. Only a small percentage of oral glutathione actually gets transferred to the circulatory system of our body.

Secondly, glutathione supplements prevent the body from producing the substance naturally. As the chemical is detected by the body, it regulates its natural production to the point where it completely stops, which in turns leads to dependence on supplements.

The most advisable way of getting glutathione into our body is through the natural way. Eating the right kinds of food that help boost glutathione production is the primary means of ensuring that we have enough of this essential antioxidant in our body. The key here is not to introduce glutathione, but to induce our body to produce the chemical naturally.

The Best Ways to Increase the Body’s Glutathione Level

First, you need a lifestyle check: how can you prevent unnecessary depletion of glutathione? Are you active enough to induce natural glutathione production? You see, exercising regularly helps keep glutathione at the optimum level. Simple exercises like jogging, walking, or cycling keeps the body active, helps in metabolism that leads to better immune system response, detoxification, and improves antioxidant function.

You may also need to cut down on your alcohol consumption. Although there are some health benefits in drinking wine in moderation, prolonged exposure of the liver to alcohol prevents the organ to produce the antioxidant regularly. Without the detoxifying effect of the liver, the body becomes overwhelmed by toxins and free radicals that results in diseases.

Eat the Right Foods

The best way to boost glutathione level naturally is by eating the right kind of healthy foods that contain either natural glutathione or elements that can help in the production of the antioxidant. Foods that are rich in amino acids are considered the best sources of glutathione.

Fruits and veggies. Fruits and vegetables must be eaten raw to maximize their glutathione content. Some examples of glutathione-rich foods are tomato, broccoli, garlic, spinach, asparagus, avocado, and walnuts.
Milk thistle. Aside from getting enough natural glutathione supply from natural sources, preventing glutathione depletion is also equally important. Milk thistle contains the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation chemical silymarin which is essential in treating liver-related illnesses and helps in boosting glutathione level.
Vitamins and minerals. Vitamins B6, B12, and B9 (folic acid) are considered as the most effective natural glutathione producers in the body. Needless to say, eating foods like salmon, tuna, scallops, beef and lamb (for B12), spinach, banana, potato, chicken (for B6), and lettuce, asparagus, spinach, and lentils (for folic acid) is highly recommended.
Whey to go. This can be a bit tricky because there are so many products in the market today that contains whey. However, they also contain chemicals and sugar that may have adverse health effects. So if you choose whey as glutathione-booster, you have to make sure that it came from grass-feeding cows which are not exposed to synthetic hormones or pesticides. Another consideration is the way it is processed. Cold processing is the only way to go as heat destroys the molecular structure of whey.
Curcumin, a naturally occurring chemical compound that is found in turmeric, may also be useful for increasing glutathione levels.
Protein rich foods. 3 amino acids – cysteine, glycine and glutamate – are the precursors to glutathione production. Protein-rich foods tends to be high in all 3. But heating or pasteurizing them destroys many of the glutathione-producing properties.
Glutathione is very important in our overall health status. It cleanses our body of toxic substances, helps improve our immune system to fight off diseases, and prevents health concerns that can be fatal. In our effort to remain healthy, it is very important that we consider the most effective method of improving the glutathione level of our body. Supplements can be an option, but doing it the natural way is still the best.

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Being generous

If you’re like most people, you’re an extremely generous person. You most likely give and give and give. So much so it’s likely that you give until there is nothing left for you to give. You likely deplete your biological resources mentally and emotionally, and ultimately that depletion shows up physically. Women especially are prone to believe that we are to put the needs of EVERYONE else far and above our own. We even give more generously to strangers than we do to ourselves! In counseling women, I usually have two words in regards to this behavior…”STOP IT!” It’s good to give generously; but in order to live a truly healthy and balanced life, you have to give equally as generous to YOURSELF also. If you’re not refilling your own resources, what can you possibly give to those you love? I get it…. You love your family and friends and want to do things for them. That’s understandable, but you MUST do and love yourself just as much. If you don’t, your living your life out of balance and actions like that will eventually catch up to you. When it does, you might find emotions such as resentment and discontent. You may even find yourself in your physician’s office with a stress disorder, depression, or irritable bowel syndrome. Then what? Who is going to do for those you love? Ladies, it is OKAY to love yourself and give yourself some TLC. Spend some time learning to practice extreme self care. If you’re not certain how to make that happen, let me teach you. Extreme self care is something most women have to learn. It’s not always bred into our DNA. We tend to think that if we’re doing something for “us” that we’re selfish and self-centered. That couldn’t be farther from the truth!! Loving ourselves and caring for ourselves gives us the ABILITY to love and care for our families and friends more contently and more completely. So stop what you’re in the middle of and schedule some time in your calendar for extreme self care for YOU. It’s okay to “love yourself up”!! I promises that you will be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend because of it.