
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.

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Shhhh…..it’s a secret

Why don’t you know what it is that you don’t know? Why is it that there is so much conflicting information about health, wellness, and nutrition? The answer to that question goes way, way back. In the past, physicians referred overweight and health challenged patients to nutritionists and dietitians. After all that is their speciality. So if that is the case, why do we have this pandemic of obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases? Shouldn’t the dietician sand nutritionists have a handle on this? The truth of the matter is at the very core of the healthcare system….money. Always follow the money. Nutritionists and dietitians are licensed by the American Dietetic Association (ADA). That makes sense, right? The problem lies in where the ADA gets their “funding.” You see, the ADA has sponsors, you know those people who “donate” money in exchange for what is most often good publicity. Now, what if you knew that a key sponsor of the ADA was the American Cattle Rancher’s Association? How would you feel about that? So if the ADA gets funds from the ACRA, then we know that there is a conflict of interest in that the ADA cannot possibly say anything about negative about the cattle industry, or the meat industry, or the dairy industry. So that makes discussions of these topics off limits for these “registered” practitioners. Let’s not leave out some of the other sponsors such as the National Dairy Council, the Coca-Cola Company, Kelloggs, General Mills, and PepsiCo. Now can you see the problem here? The ADA, or A.ND. as it is sometimes called, is a tainted entity. The allegiance of the ADA is not to consumers or the patients of the “licensed” practitioners, it is to the companies who funnel money through their organization. The truth is, the ADA does not care about your health, wellness, or nutrition. They simply exist to funnel money into the broken healthcare system. So, this is exactly why “you don’t know what it is that you don’t know.”

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How did I get here?

At no point in your life will you ever feel more alone, more abandoned, or more orphaned that at the time when you lose your parents. In a matter of 18 months, I lost the people nearest and dearest to my heart. At this point in one’s life, it’s natural that you would step back and take a long hard look at your life, your passions, and your dreams for your future. It’s natural that at this time, you would look for something that fills that empty space where loved ones had resided all those years. Being a heart-centered person, I looked high and low for a career that would fulfill me. I worked in medicine for many years, and it did not take long to see that the system we call “healthcare” is broken. Because time with your physicians is fiercely limited, Enormous amounts of time is spent on illness and little to no time is spent on health and wellness. But if more time could be spent on wellness, there would be less time required to spend on sickness. It’s a cyclical pattern that needs to end. Several years ago, I been seeking out a career in which I could use my heart-centered gifts to advocate for patients In this “sick-care” system in which we all must live. But it wasn’t until the passing of my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and then my own mother that I became adamant about finding a career in which I could help people live longer, healthier lives. Sadly, a career like this was not going to be found in Western medicine. It wasn’t until a medication side-effect suddenly took the life of my mother that I became determined to be the change that world needed. I did hours and hours of internet research and found the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and realized that the career I had searched for for so long was that of a Health and Wellness Coach. Sick-care has over-burdened Western medicine and Health Coaches are the future of the HEALTHcare system. It is my heart-centered desire and passion to see people live long, happy, healthy lives with the people they love. No person should lose a loved one because of a sick-care system that can’t possibly treat the population of chronically ill people. Becoming a Wellness Coach is the greatest thing I could have ever done for me and my family; but my education has been bittersweet as I have learned things about wellness that may have prolonged the lives of those that I held nearest and dearest to my heart. But I am determined to see to it that nobody else loses a loved one to an untimely sudden death because of our sick-care system. You see “Medicine is not health care. Medicine is sick-care. Integrated nutrition is healthcare. Let’s get this straight.” Don’t let the people you love be a causality of the sick-care system. Fight for them. My loved ones are gone, but I WILL fight for yours.
Frankie Davis, Penny Davis, Norma Aklestad…. May you always rest in peace.

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Follow the money

So…I was scrolling through Facebook – literally wasting time – and I came across post after post that said “share this on your wall if your life has been touched by cancer.” Repost if you want to see a cure for cancer.” All I can even think about is “Do these people really NOT know?”. “Do they not know what causes the spread of cancerous cells?” Maybe they really don’t know. Maybe they don’t know how to stop the growth of abnormal cells, which we ALL have in our bodies. So, I’m going to give some educating advice. The cure for cancer is in our food supply!!! Do you have young children? If you do, the diet your feeding them now will determine their health as an adult. Cells are multiplying for growth and it’s at this time in life when you’re most vulnerable. If you were raised on a poor diet, it’s not too late!! You’ve just got to be diligent in your nutrition. The prevention and cure for cancer is in vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Kale, mushrooms, spinach and others have been proven time and time again to slow, stop, and cure cancer! Enzymes in mushrooms attach to abnormal cells preventing them from secreting the hormone that causes the body to grow blood vessels to that cell. When there is no blood flow to the cell, it dies. End of story. Start eating REAL food and stay AWAY from places like McCancer, Cancer King, Taco Cancer, and Kentucky Fried Cancer. STOP giving yourself cancer!! No oncologist is going to tell you any of this. Why? The medical industry is fueled by money and greed…..and there’s BIG money to be made in cancer. A typical cancer patient is worth $780,000 to their doctor, hospital, and pharmaceutical company. Why would they want to end that stream of income. Follow the money….it will always tell you what you want to know.

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The BIG lie

I hate it when people lie to me. There are some lies that almost seem like a necessary evil, but others……unforgivable. When I seek advice, I go to the experts for information. Don’t you do the same? When I seek out these “experts,” I want to be certain that they have at least SOME knowledge of what it is that I need to know. If you have a busted water pipe, you call a plumber. If your car won’t start, you call a mechanic. If you have an issue with your health, you call your medical doctor, right? WRONG. For years the population of America has depended on our “licensed” physicians to take our health issues away. How well has that worked for us? We are the most unhealthy country on the planet. Even third-world countries have better HEALTHCARE than we do. Every day new drugs are being pushed on Americans in hopes of treating this illness or that disease when in fact, everything we’ve ever known about healthcare is a lie. There is so much misconceptions about what type of “doctor” or “specialist” you should see. Should you see an endocrinologist for diabetes? A gynecologist for polycystic ovary disease? A neurologist for migraines? You could, I guess but you’ll never get better. These “licensed” doctors are not healthcare providers. They are sick-care providers. You have a problem, you go to your sick-care provider, they give you a diagnosis and prescription to treat the symptom or by-product of your illness. These “doctors” really do not care about your illness. As a matter of fact, it’s better for them if you keep your illness so they can continue to receive payment from you and your insurance company. I worked in sick-care. I’ve witnessed it. If you want HEALTHCARE you need to see a HEALTH professional such as a wellness coach or Holistic Health practitioner. You should see your sick-care provider when you are actually SICK. Diabetes is not a sickness. Hypertension is not a sickness. PCOS is not a sickness. Heart-disease is not a sickness. Obesity is not a sickness. Somewhere in the past, these two professions have been skewed. There are most definitely times when you need to see your sick-care provider, and if you have a trained HEALTHCARE provider, he or she will tell you. It’s time to STOP pumping our hard earned money into this sick-care system. We’re feeding the monster and it’s just getting bigger and BIGGER!! The sick-care providers have forgotten who it is they work for…..the patient. When you leave your “licensed” sick-care doctor’s office, you STILL don’t know what’s wrong with you but they’ll happily take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. More people die every year from physician errors, medication side-effects, and hospital malpractice than ALL diseases combined!! I actually had a “licensed” sick-care professional ask me about my “malpractice insurance” and “state license”…..I’m a certified health coach. In HEALTHCARE those things are not required. Not ONCE have I EVER heard ANYONE say “My husband’s health coach told him to eat more kale and it killed him,” NOT ONCE. However, my mother took a prescription that was advertised on television to be such a miracle drug and she bled to death from the inside out right in front of me. Her sick-care provider was happy to write the prescription for her. For the rest of my life I will regret the fact that I did not find health coaching prior to my mom’s death. We believed the big lie. Doesn’t everyone? Yes, you need a sick-care provider for when you are acutely ill. But more importantly, you need a HEALTHCARE provider whose passion it is to get you to Wellness NOT to the pharmacy.


Nutrition and healthy relationships??

Healthy relationships……well they’ve never been the strongest part of my life. As a matter of fact most of the relationships in my life have been a train wreck. I was an only child growing up in a home of alcoholics and had zero relationship with my parents. The sins of my mother fell heavily on my shoulders at a very young age and I was ostracized from aunts, uncles, and cousins. To this day, I know not the sins I carried. With the passing of my mother in December and very few blood relatives remaining, it’s unlikely that I will ever be brought into the light in that area. There are some things that you simply must learn to accept and push past them…..most days, that’s where I am. I have had a rotting pile of broken relationships that I’ve carried with me throughout my 40 years. They have held me back and weighted me down. My first healthy relationship came with the birth of my son in 1993. I had sworn an oath to myself that I would not be the cause of my children’s dysfunction….it would have been easier had I chosen a proper father for 2 of my 3 children. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized that “nutrition” encompasses everything that feeds you including relationships and careers, as well as spirituality. My nutrition in these areas was nothing but junk. It took some time and some “way down deep” soul searching – you know, the searching that makes you fearful of what you’ll find – but I found a place in me that was whole and unscarred from my life. This tiny speck of innocence was tightly wrapped and guarded with my very life. I fed this small glimmer of life with positivity and purpose, using caution to keep the negativity of the remainder of my being from poisoning this one good thing I could find in myself. I fed this lone flower everything good I could find for it, and it became stronger and began to grow roots as it spread like perfectly cared for Impatients In the sun. I learned that it doesn’t matter how small the positive, if you feed it the right things, it will take over your life. The same holds true for the darkness in your life. The more light you keep out, the darker you become. We do not exist to live in darkness. We exist to live the abundance of light.
