
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.

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One Proud Momma

Tonight was Brandon’s Boy Scout holiday dinner. Fun, festivities, and lots and lots of cub scouts. It’s been a while since I’ve had young children. Three of the. Boy Scouts disappeared – my son included. I later heard that the boys were being “reprimanded” and really, there’s no telling what for. I later learned that Brandon was actually getting a “pat on the back” as a conflict resolutor (not sure if that’s an actual word). As it turned out, two of the other scouts were arguing and bickering and Brandon just couldn’t take it any longer. He called them into a side room and basically told them enough is enough and made them work through it. The Scout leader overheard the conversation and thanked Brandon for being able to resolve conflict. I was definitely one proud momma tonight. There are many things in my life that I’ve totally screwed up, but one thing is for certain, I did well in raising my kids. My oldest is living on his own and engaged to an amazing young lady who is going to dental school. My daughter is in nursing school in Jonesboro and my youngest is an A-B student, in the gifted & talented program, on the chess team, in the band, stands against bullying, and is an all around great kid to be around. I feel amazingly blessed to have such great kids. No, they’re not perfect but they’re close enough for me