
Given half a chance your body WILL heal itself by itself.


Overcoming Your Fear of Failure


You risk everything on that crazy dream of yours.

Money, time, energy, stability, pride. And you’re not even guaranteed to succeed.

You know that if you do reach success, the doorway to everything you’ve ever wanted will open up. But . . . what if you fail?

What if you don’t have what it takes and all your best-laid plans go awry? What if you lose your steady income, your house and ultimately your friends and family?

You could end up living in a cardboard box, sitting alone on the side of the street, begging people for pocket change.

Nah,says your mind. The risk is too great. I’d better settle for what I have. Compared to the cardboard box alternative, it’s not so bad.

You might tell yourself that the timing isn’t right, or that you’re no risk-taker. But whatever the excuse, deep inside you know the real truth: you’re afraid of failing.

Fear of failure makes you play small in life. It stops you from chasing your dreams -and it needs to be dropped once and for all.

Ready to do just that? Good.

7 Mindsets to Overcome Your Fear of Failure

Your fear only goes as deep as your mind allows it. That means you’re in control. Here are 7 mindsets to help you look at fear of failure from a perspective that will serve you.

Fear Is Your Guidance System

What you fear failing most in life is often what you care most deeply about. It’s a clear message of a true desire. The stakes are higher when it comes to your dreams, so your fears are also naturally amped up. Use your fear as a source of guidance about what to go after.

Life’s Already Dangerous 

Life is inherently risky. Loved ones can leave us, bosses can fire us and the car we drive can hit another and abruptly end it all. But you’ve made it this far. Instead of protecting yourself from the possibility of future pain, wouldn’t you rather enjoy full aliveness and exhilaration now? Stop holding yourself back. Life is full of experiences, opportunities and chances that are yours to claim.

Playing It Safe Is the Real Danger

Playing it safe is settling for mediocrity. It means making decisions based on fear and thereby not living up to your full potential. By not following your dreams, you are robbing yourself and the rest of the world of your unique greatness.

Failure Is One Step Closer to Success

Failing at something gets you one step closer to what you want. By taking action, you differentiate yourself from the majority of people. You also gain insight and clarity that can bring you closer to your dream.

Each mistake teaches us something. Before finally succeeding with the light bulb, Thomas A. Edison said, I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.

Failure Never Makes YOU a Failure

Failing at something doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It means that what you tried didn’t work. Who you are and what you do are two different things. Never confuse the two. Failing is a practical matter; don’t let it become an emotional one.

Fears Are a Figment of Your Imagination

The job of the mind is to protect you. Anything unknown (including success) is scary to it. To keep you “safe,” it will do just about anything to make you listen to it, including projecting a parade of fears in front of you.

But reality is rarely as bad as you imagine it will be. The majority of all fears exist only in one place: your imagination.

Regret is the Biggest Failure of All

Regret is an ugly emotion. It doesn’t show up like other emotions, as a direct response to something that has happened. Instead regret creeps up slowly, in response to what hasn’t happened. Years can go by before it reveals itself to us, but when it does, we know it’s there as a reminder of something we didn’t do.

Fear Often Disguises Itself

These mindsets will help you keep the fear of failure at bay. They’ll help protect you, but you’re not scot-free just yet.

Even if you use them to prepare yourself mentally, the fear of failing can still arise. Like an unwanted guest, it can come knocking on your door unexpectedly – and in disguise.

This disguise might look a lot like reason. It could also resemble blame or excuses.

At a first glance, it might look smart and even sensible. Reason is so logical, it’s hard to argue with. Blame says it’s not your fault. And our excuses can seem valid as to why we aren’t taking action toward our dream. Other people will even validate them for us.

It’s easy to point the finger. Maybe it’s the economy. Maybe you don’t have enough time, money, experience, support or skills. Maybe it’s too late or too risky. It’s easy to come up with excuses or reasons and say, See? This is why I can’t pursue my dream.

But when you look deeper, behind the thoughts telling you not to pursue something, ask yourself what the dominant emotion is.

Could it be fear in disguise?

3 Ways to Not Let Fear Guide Your Choices 

Making fear-based decisions never takes you in a desired direction. Sometimes, however, it’s difficult to distinguish when fear is guiding you. Here are 3 ways to avoid that:

Tell Your Story in Advance

Imagine telling your children or grandchildren your life story. You start with the sentence: “ had a dream, and then I . . “

What is the story you would like to tell? Did you go for it, or were you too afraid? Will it be a story worth telling? Make it so, and tell it to yourself now. Frequently.

Stop Analyzing What Can Happen

Failure is something we project that might happen in the future. But the future is out of our control, so placing our focus there often leaves us feeling stressed, worried and powerless.

Instead of directing your attention toward what you can’t change or control, focus on what you can. The present moment is where your power lies; this is where your attention should be.

Ask Your 90-Year-Old Self

Imagine being 90 years old and guiding the younger version of yourself.

What advice would you give, knowing what you know now? How would you want your life to be and what do you want to look back on?

Now, listen to this older and wiser version of yourself.

Rising Above Your Fear

Let’s face it. Stepping into the unknown and risking the chance of failing is scary. But remember, it’s this way for everyone.

Taking action toward your dream doesn’t mean you won’t experience the fear of failure; it means you rise above it. You overcome the fear of failure once and for all when you realize that you are bigger than your fear.

Imagine waking up every morning full of empowerment, determination and clarity. Nothing and no one can stop you.You know that you’re moving in the direction of how you want your life to be. Now that’s a pretty nice feeling to wake up to, isn’t it?

Make a slight shift in your mindset, and your perception of failure can change dramatically. And if you ever feel your fears get the better of you again, just get your 90-year-old self to set you straight or use any of the other techniques you just learned.

Don’t play small in life. Don’t end up somewhere you didn’t want to be just because you didn’t want to take risks. Don’t be afraid of failing; be afraid of not giving your dream a chance to be born.

It will be worth it. Promise.

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High Intensity Interval Training: Why We Do What We Do

I’m about to share with you the single best exercise for burning fat. But first, I want to explain the number one mistake people are making in the gym, today.

This mistake is leading to some pretty big consequences like:

  • Causing you to age faster
  • Breaking down your joints
  • Causing your body to STORE fat, instead of burn it
  • Causing your hormones to get out of balanceMost people who want to burn fat and lose weight falsely assume that going to the gym and doing traditional aerobic exercise, like jogging on the treadmill, is the best way to see results.If you’ve been spending hours on the treadmill and not seeing any results, it’s because long distance cardiovascular exercise can decrease testosterone and raise your stress hormone levels like cortisol. Increased levels of cortisol stimulate the appetite, increase fat storage, and slow down or inhibit exercise recovery.The Journal of Sports Sciences found that long periods of aerobic exercise increased oxidative stress leading to chronic inflammation.If you want to see results fast without the negative benefits of cardiovascular exercise, your best option is burst training.  Burst training (aka interval training) combines short, high intensity bursts of exercise, with slow, recovery phases, repeated during one exercise session.  Burst training is done at 85-100% maximum heart rate rather than 50-70% in moderate endurance activity.Essentially, burst training is exercising like a sprinter rather than a marathon runner.Burst (or interval) training isn’t necessarily new. Elite athletes and Olympians have known this secret to exercising and have been doing interval training for years. The research proves that anybody – not just elite athletes – can do interval training and achieve amazing results, no matter your experience or fitness level.The reason burst training works is because it produces a unique metabolic response in your body. Intermittent sprinting causes your body to not burn as much fat during exercise but after exercise your metabolism stays elevated and will continue to burn fat for the next 24-48 hours!Another study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, April 2007, researched eight different women in their early 20’s. They were told to cycle for 10 sets of four minutes of hard riding, followed by two minutes of rest.Key Benefits of Burst Training
  • After two weeks, the amount of fat burned increased by 36 percent, and their cardiovascular fitness improved by 13 percent.
  • Also, chemicals called catecholamines are produced which allow more fat to be burned and this causes increased fat oxidation which drives greater weight loss. The women from the study lost the most weight off their legs and buttocks.
  • Research from the University of New South Wales Medical Sciences found that burst (interval) cardio could burn more than 3 times more body fat than moderate cardio. The researchers studied two groups and found that the group who did eight seconds of sprinting on a bike, followed by 12 seconds of exercising lightly for 20 minutes, lost THREE TIMES as much fat as other women, who exercised at a continuous, regular pace for 40 minutes.
  • One of the major benefits of burst training is that it can be done in the comfort of your own home with no or minimal equipment.  An easy example of burst training would be going to a track and walking the curves and sprinting the straight aways.  Or getting on a spin bike and cycling hard for 20 seconds then going easy for 20 seconds, then repeating that cycle for between 10 to 40 minutes.
  • Similar exercise methods to burst training include High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and the Tabata method. With burst and other types of interval training you are getting the same cardiovascular benefits as endurance exercise but without the negative side effects.  Also, burst training is the fastest way to lose weight and burn fat fast.
  • So, What’s the #1 Exercise to Burn Fat Fast?
  • A recent study in Psychoneuroendocrinology showed evidence of long-term high cortisol levels in aerobic endurance athletes.  Researchers tested levels of hair cortisol in 304 endurance athletes (runners, cyclists, and triathletes) and compared to non-athletes.  The results showed higher cortisol levels with higher training volumes.
  • But recent research is proving that long distance cardiovascular exercise is NOT the fastest way to burn fat and lose weight.
  • The number one mistake is doing way too much cardio.
  • Can burn up to 3x more body-fat than moderate cardio
  • After two weeks of interval training, fat burning increased by 36%
  • Your body will continue to burn fat for the next 48 hours after you are done exercising
  • You can workout in less time and see better resultsBurst training is exactly what we do at Empower Wellness. We have our own YouTube channel where you can watch and participate in burst training right from your living room; plus you have a real life Personal Training to help you through every aspect of your training.
  • Complete Burst Training Program

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“Grounding” and “Earthing”…..Is It For You….YES IT IS

For most people, this doesn’t happen very often. But we’re now learning that there might be more of a reason for you to start making these types of activities a priority.

A movement known as “grounding” or “earthing” is sweeping the holistic health scene. Walking barefoot outside, with the soles of your feet free to directly connect with the surface of the earth, is the main activity that’s a part of the earthing or grounding practice. While it might sound strange at first — ditching your shoes and digging your toes into the dirt or sand, or strolling across some pesticide-free grass — there’s evidence that this can be greatly beneficial for health by lowering free radical damage (also called “oxidative stress”), stress, inflammation and pain.

How Does Earthing or Grounding Work?

Regularly connecting to the earth’s natural, powerful energy is now known to be healing and vital for all people. This is why “reconnection” — with both the earth itself and our body’s own innate healing abilities — is the focus of earthing. The best part about earthing or grounding is that it’s super simple, completely free and can be done anywhere, at any time. It requires nothing but your bare body and willingness to try something that might seem “a bit out there.”

You might be a bit skeptical about this phenomenon, so let me explain more about the basics of how earthing works:

  1. Your body runs through a type of electrical current. As the Journal of Environmental and Public Healthstates:

It is an established, though not widely appreciated fact, that the Earth’s surface possesses a limitless and continuously renewed supply of free or mobile electrons. The Earth’s negative charges can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems which may be important for setting the biological clock, regulating circadian rhythms, and balancing cortisol levels.

  1. Your body is naturally able to absorb electrical charges from the earth since your skin acts like a “conductor.” Your feet, specifically certain points in the balls of your feet, are believed to especially be good at receiving the earth’s electricity.

But because of our modern way of living — for example, always wearing shoes and living most of our lives above ground in our homes or offices that are located several floors up in tall buildings — we’re losing touch with the earth’s natural “electrical” force.

  1. The human body is electrical first and chemical second,” according to earthing expert Clint Ober. Our brain, heart beat and neurotransmitter activity, for example, all rely on electrical signals, so when our electricity if off, so can be certain aspects of our health.

The idea is that by being in touch with the planet, the electrical force coming off the earth is able to help lower inflammation and fight free radicals. In fact, the term “earthing” has even earned a patent as a natural method for reducing disease-causing inflammation.

Vitamin G: The Key to Earthing!

Just like our body needs direct exposure to sunlight to produce adequate amounts of the vital nutrient called vitamin D, we also require a certain level of direct exposure with our home planet to produce something that some holistic practitioners call “Vitamin G.”

You might be familiar with vitamin D deficiency and related symptoms, but likely you’re brand new to vitamin G. Being directly in touch with the earth, our body’s own electricity becomes more stable and in line with that of the earth. Think of it this way: You know the relaxing, healing feeling of spending time outdoors in the sun? Well, you can also get a surge of healthy compounds flooding your system by walking in your bare feet on the earth’s soil or sand.

I will talk more about the benefits of barefoot shoes in just a moment, but I also want to say that to reduce stress and energize your system in the biggest way, you should ideally also get outside and go completely “bare,” with no shoes on at all.

Health Benefits of Earthing or Grounding

Up until this point, unfortunately, so much of our current health care model has provided us with very little, if any, research of the importance of the bio-electrical component to our health. But the idea of the earth having an electrical pulse that impacts our body is nothing new. This has been proven and well-understood for many years and is an important aspect of preventing accidents or injuries in fields like radiation, gas, dynamite or surgery.

So much of the information we have about bio-electrical impacts on our health has been done outside of the field of medical science and health-related research. However, even though we only have a few solid studies on the health benefits of bioelectrical impulses, many of us have “experienced” the benefits firsthand. For instance, have you ever experienced a walk on the beach or a stroll in the park letting your bare feet touch the grass or sand and sensed a feeling of peace? I know I have.

The known benefits of earthing have to do with a reduction of free radicals that takes place in our body when it comes into contact with “free electrons,” whether from the earth or foods that have grown from the earth.

According to a 2012 report in the Journal of Environmental Public Health:

Throughout history, humans mostly walked barefoot or with footwear made of animal skins. They slept on the ground or on skins. Through direct contact or through perspiration-moistened animal skins used as footwear or sleeping mats, the ground’s abundant free electrons were able to enter the body, which is electrically conductive. Through this mechanism, every part of the body could equilibrate with the electrical potential of the Earth, thereby stabilizing the electrical environment of all organs, tissues, and cells.

Here is how this process can specifically benefit your health:

  1. Reduces Inflammation  

To put it simply, it’s thought that the influx of free electrons from the Earth’s surface help to neutralize free radicals and reduce both acute and chronic inflammation and accelerated aging. Experts on earthing and grounding believe that this practice can help improve circulation, which means you’re better able to distribute nutrients throughout your body and also carry waste and toxins out. In fact, enhanced circulation can have a tremendous effect on the body in many ways — from boosting energy levels to reducing swelling.

According to a report published in Alternate Therapies in Health and Medicine, “Inflammation is now recognized as an overwhelming burden to the healthcare status of our population and the underlying basis of a significant number of diseases. The elderly generally bear the burden of morbidity and mortality, which may be reflective of elevated markers of inflammation resulting from decades of lifestyle choices.”

How does earthing help stop inflammation? Inflammation, which triggers disease for so many people, is largely believed to be caused by a lack of electrons in your tissues. When your body senses that you’re “under attack” or sick, it delivers reactive oxygen species (ROS) to the site of injury, which is another way of saying that it triggers an inflammatory response in an attempt to heal and defend you. When this takes place, some free radicals can leak in to surrounding tissue and damage otherwise healthy parts of your body by increasing swelling, pain, heat and redness.

The reason that we want to eat plenty of high-antioxidant foods is the same reason we want to practice earthing. Antioxidant electrons in your body help ensure that damage from free radicals doesn’t get out of control and lead to high levels of inflammation and faster aging, just like anti-inflammatory foods do. Basically, the free or mobile electrons from the earth can resolve chronic inflammation by serving as natural antioxidants!

The belief about earthing’s benefits is that electrons can be absorbed from the bottom of your feet when they’re touching the ground, and then these can move anywhere in your body where free radicals are forming. The antioxidant electrons help cancel out free radicals and, therefore, halt damage to DNA and other forms of “oxidative stress.”

  1. Helps Reduce Stress Hormones

Chronic stress can kill your quality of life, as you’ve probably experienced first hand. But luckily, time spent in nature can really help reverse certain feelings of stress and anxiety. One double-blind study that investigated the effects of earthing on 58 healthy adults used conductive adhesive patches placed on the sole of each participant’s foot to read their electrical signals. The subjects were exposed to 28 minutes in the unearthed condition followed by 28 minutes with the earthing wire connected. Controls were unearthed for 56 minutes.

After earthing, about half the subjects showed “an abrupt, almost instantaneous change in root mean square (rms) values of electroencephalograms (EEGs) from the left hemisphere of the brain.” These changes are believed to signify positive changes and lower stress reactions.

Nineteen of 22 earthing participants also experienced decreased blood volume pulses (BVP). After considering the effects on electrophysiological properties of the brain and musculature as recorded using EEG, EMG and BVP readings, the findings suggest significantly higher reductions in overall stress levels and tensions results in the earthing participant’s compared to the control group.

  1. Can Help You Sleep Better

A 2007 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine demonstrated that connecting the human body to the earth during sleep (earthing) normalizes the daily cortisol rhythm and improves sleep patterns. This is because of the effects that stress hormones have on your natural circadian rhythm, energy and ability to sleep soundly.

It’s proposed that the earth’s “diurnal electrical rhythms” set the biological clocks for hormones that regulate sleep and activity. We’ve all had the experience of tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep due to racing thoughts. When our bodies are not in line with the natural rhythms of the earth, including the patterns of light and darkness or “electrical” charges, our sleep and immunity suffers. The indoor-lifestyle that many of us lead might be one reason for rising cases of chronic fatigue syndrome.

One 2006 study published in the Journal of European Biology and Bioelectromagnetics observed the patterns of patients’ cortisol levels before and after grounding. They found that their cortisol rises and dips were scattered and somewhat unpredictable in the adults before they practiced earthing. But after earthing, their levels of cortisol were more in line with the natural rhythms of the earth and sun: They had higher cortisol early in the morning when we naturally need more to feel alert and awake, then they had lower cortisol at night time when we need to unwind in order to fall asleep for the night.

Electrically and chemically speaking, poor sleep is often a symptom of high stress hormones like cortisol. By lowering our reaction to stressful events in our lives, we can fall and stay asleep more easily. And sleep is crucial for healing our body on the most basic level – raising our immunity, giving us enough energy for proper digestion, fighting food cravings or weight gain, and supporting a healthy mindset.

  1. Can Help Increase Energy

 Many people have found that earthing or grounding can improve their energy or fight low-grade ongoing fatigue. This can be one side effect of getting better sleep but also be due to improvements in hormones and lower levels of inflammation.

For example, many studies point to the fact that higher cortisol levels rob the body of energy. Physiological stress and cortisol have a close relationship: Stress impacts cortisol, and cortisol can further increase stress responses. This cycle can lead to fatigue and sleep problems, even cravings for low-nutrient foods, sugar and excess calories that further lead to low energy levels.

  1. Can Help Lower Pain

Inflammation is a major source of pain, since it increases swelling, stiffness, reduced mobility and malformation. Inflammation in the joints and tissues are the main cause of pain associated with chronic conditions like arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), for example, is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that usually involves pain in multiple joints as well as symptoms like fatigue, fever, weight loss, eye inflammation, anemia and lung inflammation. In someone with RA, the body releases enzymes that attack its own healthy tissue, therefore destroying the linings of joints. By lowering inflammation, its very possible to help combat pain caused by chronic autoimmune disorders, injuries­­­­, headaches, menstrual problems and so on.

One 2010 pilot study compared the pain levels of adults who were grounding compared to a control group following intense exercise that caused muscle soreness. The results showed that grounding the body to the earth altered measures of immune system activity and pain. Among the ungrounded men, there was an expected, sharp increase in white blood cells (sign of an inflammatory response) and greater perception of pain after exercise. In comparison, the grounded men had only a slight decrease in white blood cells, indicating less inflammation and experienced shorter recovery times.

How to Start Earthing

There is no such thing as earthing “too much,” and it’s likely that the more we do, the greater benefits we’ll see. At the same time, even short periods of being in contact with the earth directly over the course of the day can help. Some ways to start having more direct contact with the earth can include: walking barefoot to the mailbox, mowing your lawn, gardening without shoes on, barbecuing outdoors barefoot, laying directly on the sand at the beach instead of sitting in a chair, and many more easy, realistic ways. Sounds rough, right?

Several products are now available that can also help us practice earthing or grounding more often, although just being outdoors barefoot is still the optimal (and simplest) way. For example, a type of electrically-charged bed has been created that features silver wires that are connected to the electrical charge of the earth once plugged into an “earthing” port.

These beds basically have conductive systems that transfer the earth’s electrons from the ground into the body. So even when we’re inside, sleeping in an “earthing bed” might be able to help us absorb the effects of the earth’s electricity and normalize our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. Laying or sleeping in the bed is almost like sleeping outside on the grass, according to Clint Ober.

Other people like to use “earthing mats.” These look similar to small yoga mats and are placed on the floor. They also have a controller and are connected to electrical fields being given off from the earth’s surface. These are an easy way to practice earthing while working at a desk, standing around the bathroom or kitchen, watching TV or talking on the phone. “Earthing bands” also exist, which are placed on the wrists and arms. Some people like to wear these while cooking, working or doing anything else around the house when they can’t be outdoors.

As you follow the secret detox lifestyle (or any ongoing healthy lifestyle), I recommend that you try to get outside while totally barefoot for at least 30 minutes a day. This can truly help you experience faster healing and reduced stress. Of course, it can also help you avoid the all-too-common vitamin D deficiency, too, and maybe also get some exercise.

Not only is this a powerful value to our ability to detox, it’s a resource that everyone has available to them — and it’s a completely free resource! You can’t beat that value.


Nutrition and healthy relationships??

Healthy relationships……well they’ve never been the strongest part of my life. As a matter of fact most of the relationships in my life have been a train wreck. I was an only child growing up in a home of alcoholics and had zero relationship with my parents. The sins of my mother fell heavily on my shoulders at a very young age and I was ostracized from aunts, uncles, and cousins. To this day, I know not the sins I carried. With the passing of my mother in December and very few blood relatives remaining, it’s unlikely that I will ever be brought into the light in that area. There are some things that you simply must learn to accept and push past them…..most days, that’s where I am. I have had a rotting pile of broken relationships that I’ve carried with me throughout my 40 years. They have held me back and weighted me down. My first healthy relationship came with the birth of my son in 1993. I had sworn an oath to myself that I would not be the cause of my children’s dysfunction….it would have been easier had I chosen a proper father for 2 of my 3 children. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized that “nutrition” encompasses everything that feeds you including relationships and careers, as well as spirituality. My nutrition in these areas was nothing but junk. It took some time and some “way down deep” soul searching – you know, the searching that makes you fearful of what you’ll find – but I found a place in me that was whole and unscarred from my life. This tiny speck of innocence was tightly wrapped and guarded with my very life. I fed this small glimmer of life with positivity and purpose, using caution to keep the negativity of the remainder of my being from poisoning this one good thing I could find in myself. I fed this lone flower everything good I could find for it, and it became stronger and began to grow roots as it spread like perfectly cared for Impatients In the sun. I learned that it doesn’t matter how small the positive, if you feed it the right things, it will take over your life. The same holds true for the darkness in your life. The more light you keep out, the darker you become. We do not exist to live in darkness. We exist to live the abundance of light.


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Getting to know ME

I could give you a glossy picture perfect bio of myself complete with education, work experience, and awards……but that wouldn’t actually tell you anything about who I am. I could divulge my strengths and my weaknesses or give myself a big ‘ol pat on the back for getting where I am. Getting here has not been easy and it certainly hasn’t been fun. I have spent the biggest part of life feeling powerless and unequipped to play any significant role in society. Many of these circumstances will be discussed in greater detail as you continue getting to know me. I have spent my 40 years knowing my passion but not knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up. I have always known that I have a spiritually driven ability to connect with people on a very deep, personal, and intimate level. I’m often called a “sponge” due to my ability to soak up information…..even information that may be confusing to some. I take that information, break it down, and relay it in a more understandable and personal dialogue. I’m service oriented and heart-minded and want nothing more than to see the people I touch find success in all areas of their lives. I’ve struggled. I’ve failed. I have climbed the mountain only to find that I still haven’t made it to the top. I have learned…..I have learned how to cope with life and live it to the fullest. I have learned to find joy in small everyday things. I have learned gratitude. I have learned thoughtfulness. I have learned how to live my best life ever. I have been told that – because of situational stressors during the course of my life – I could have easily chosen a destructive path for which nobody could blame me. I rose above that, and I’m here to tell you that you can also. Magic can happen in your life, you just have to learn how to let it be. I will be teaching you how to “be” in spite of life…in spite of your past…in spite of hurt and betrayal and loss. It’s a journey. I know the path and will walk it with you. Prepare for changes……they WILL happen….I promise.